
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to HebrewPod101.com's Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 16 - Responding with Interjections in Hebrew. I'm your host, Shira!
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to respond with interjections in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place at David and Sarah’s house.
Shira: The conversation is between Peter and Sarah.
Amir: It is informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation

Lesson conversation

Peter: זה ספר התמונות של המשפחה שלי.
(Zeh sefer ha-t’munot shel ha-mish’paħah sheli.)
Sarah: יפה! (מדפדפת בדפים) מי זאת?
(Yafeh! (midaf’defet ba-dapim) Mi zot?)
Peter: זאת האחות הקטנה שלי.
(Zot ha-aħot ha-k’tanah sheli.)
Sarah: היא חמודה! מי זה?
(Hi ħamudah! Mi zeh?)
Peter: אה... זה אני.
(Ah… zeh ani.)
Sarah: מה! אתה כל-כך צעיר.
(Mah! Atah kol-kakh tza’ir.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
Peter: זה ספר התמונות של המשפחה שלי.
(Zeh sefer ha-t’munot shel ha-mish’paħah sheli.)
Sarah: יפה! (מדפדפת בדפים) מי זאת?
(Yafeh! (midaf’defet ba-dapim) Mi zot?)
Peter: זאת האחות הקטנה שלי.
(Zot ha-aħot ha-k’tanah sheli.)
Sarah: היא חמודה! מי זה?
(Hi ħamudah! Mi zeh?)
Peter: אה... זה אני.
(Ah… zeh ani.)
Sarah: מה! אתה כל-כך צעיר.
(Mah! Atah kol-kakh tza’ir.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Peter: זה ספר התמונות של המשפחה שלי.
(Zeh sefer ha-t’munot shel ha-mish’paħah sheli.)
Shira: This is my family's photo album.
Sarah: יפה! (מדפדפת בדפים) מי זאת?
(Zeh sefer ha-t’munot shel ha-mish’paħah sheli.)
Shira: Nice! (turns pages) Who's this?
Peter: זאת האחות הקטנה שלי.
(Zot ha-aħot ha-k’tanah sheli.)
Shira: That's my younger sister.
Sarah: היא חמודה! מי זה?
(Hi ħamudah! Mi zeh?)
Shira: She's cute! Who's this?
Peter: אה... זה אני.
(Ah… zeh ani.)
Shira: Ah…that's me.
Sarah: מה! אתה כל-כך צעיר.
(Mah! Atah kol-kakh tza’ir.)
Shira: What! You are so young!
Amir: I would say that Israelis are a lot less interested in photography than people in some other countries.
Shira: Yes, I worked as a photographer’s assistant for many years in the States before I came to Israel and I can say that professional photography is definitely not as popular in Israel as it is in the States.
Amir: Well, in the States you guys like to have your pictures taken for everything. In Israel, we get professional photographs taken when we get married and that’s about it.
Shira: Maybe for your bar mitzvah as well.
Amir: Maybe, but not always.
Shira: And there’s no such thing as professional senior photos either.
Amir: Okay, we’re not crazy about going and getting our photos taken professionally. But people do generally have a camera and take photos of family events.
Shira: Yes, they mostly take photos of things that they want to remember, but I wouldn’t say that they are crazy about photography. Now let’s go on to the vocabulary for this lesson. First we have.
Amir: ספר (sefer) [natural native speed]
Shira: Book.
Amir: ספר (sefer) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: ספר (sefer) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: משפחה (mish'pakhah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Family.
Amir: משפחה (mish'pakhah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: משפחה (mish'pakhah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: תמונה (tmuna) [natural native speed]
Shira: Picture.
Amir: תמונה (tmuna) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: תמונה (tmuna) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: אחות (acħot) [natural native speed]
Shira: Sister or nurse.
Amir: אחות (acħot) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אחות (acħot) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: חמוד (cħamud) [natural native speed]
Shira: Cute.
Amir: חמוד (cħamud) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: חמוד (cħamud) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: כל-כך (Kol-kach) [natural native speed]
Shira: So, so much.
Amir: כל-כך (Kol-kach) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: כל-כך (Kol-kach) [natural native speed]
Shira: And last.
Amir: צעיר (Tza’ir) [natural native speed]
Shira: Young.
Amir: צעיר [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: צעיר [natural native speed]
Shira: Let's take a closer look at some of the words from this lesson.
Amir: Let’s start with the word ספר (sefer).
Shira: Sefer is a book. It comes from the root ספר (sefer), which is the root for words related to counting and informing. I like how Hebrew is centered around roots, it helps you know the meaning of words without having to look them up all the time.
Amir: Right, if you know the meaning of the root, you can usually figure out the meaning of the word from the context of the sentence.
Shira: You may already know that “school” is called בית ספר (beit sefer).
Amir: I don’t know if you ever thought about that, but when you break this phrase down it means “house of book”.
Shira: Fitting for a school, I think. The next word is תמונה (tmuna).
Amir: תמונה (tmuna) is “a picture” and this can be both “a photograph” or “a drawn picture.“
Shira: When you combine these first two vocabulary words, you have ספר תמונות which is technically “book of pictures”.
Amir: Or “photo album” in English.
Shira: The next word is חמוד (cħamud). חמוד (cħamud) means “cute.”
Amir: It can also be used as a term of endearment. Many parents call their kids חמוד (cħamud) or חמודה (ħamudah).
Shira: When you’re out on the playground, you may hear something like בוא חמוד! (bo cħamud!) which means “come, sweetie!”
Amir: Or בוא חמודי “come my sweetie.” Friends sometimes use this among themselves as adults as well.
Shira: I’ve been called חמודה (ħamudah) so many times in Israel. It’s funny because we don’t really call each other sweetie so much in the States as adults. Well, maybe if you come from the South you do.
Amir: It seems like you do this more among family in the States, not so much among friends.
Shira: Yes, I think that’s right. So, the last word is כל-כך (Kol-kach). This word means “so” or “so much”.
Amir: It’s used to emphasize an idea like הוא כל-כך יפה! (He kol-kach yafeh!)
Shira: “He’s so handsome!” Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson you will learn how to use interjections in Hebrew.
Amir: Interjections are used pretty much the same way as in English.
Shira: They can stand on their own, but they are part of the larger idea of the whole context of the conversation.
Amir: You would only really use them in spoken Hebrew, but they often occur as adjectives in written Hebrew, as well.
Shira: In the dialogue, Peter told Sarah that he wanted to show her his photo album.
Amir: She responded with an interjection, יפה (yafeh) or “nice”.
Shira: At the end of the conversation when she found out that one of the pictures of a young boy was Peter, she responded with מה!?! (Mah!?!)
Amir: Both of these are interjections that we use very often.
Shira: What are some other words that you would use as interjections?
Amir: Well, let’s say you came home from school and you reported to your parents that you had great grades for the year. Your parents would probably say מצוין (Metzuyan).
Shira: מצוין (Metzuyan) means “excellent.” And how about when your child comes home with one of their new masterpieces. What would you say then?
Amir: יופי (Yofi) which means “great”.
Shira: Okay, so what if you come home and your wife is showing you her newest dress for the next wedding you will attend?
Amir: מהמם! (Mehamem!)
Shira: You better say something like that or you may be in trouble. מהמם (Mehamem) means “stunning.”
Amir: Let’s do some negative ones too. When you come into the bathroom and your two year old has unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper onto the floor.
Shira: I think that אוי האבוי (Oy va'avoy) is a good one for that. That means “how awful” or in this case “uh oh!”
Amir: A simple “Nu, nu nu!” Would do for that as well.
Shira: True! Okay, the next one … let’s see. You just found out that your best friend is moving halfway across the world and you won’t be able to see them anymore, only talk on Skype.
Amir: I would say מה!?! (Mah!?!) or “What!?!”
Shira: And how about when you find out that the two most unlikely people you know are getting married?
Amir: לא נכון! (Lo nachon!)
Shira: That’s a good one, it means “not true!” And for our last example, let’s say that you are having your 30th birthday party and your best friend won’t be able to come. What do you tell him?
Amir: חבל! (Chaval!)
Shira: “Pity!” That’s a good one and Israelis use that one all the time to express their disappointment. Well, that was fun!
Amir: חבל (Chaval!) “it’s over!”


Shira: Yep, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: After listening to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and share some interjections with us in Hebrew! Listeners, have you ever dreamed of starring in one of our lessons?
Shira: If your answer is yes, use the voice recording tool on the lessons page.
Amir: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Shira: And then play it back just as easily.
Amir: Then compare it to the native speakers in the lesson.
Shira: And adjust your pronunciation.
Amir: Go to HebrewPod101.com and rapidly improve your Hebrew pronunciation.
Shira: See you next time!
Amir: Shalom!

