How to Say I Love You in Hebrew – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Hebrew could be just what you need to find it.

Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Hebrew partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At HebrewPod101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Hebrew lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material available to make Hebrew dating easy for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Common Phrases You’ll Need for a Date
  2. The Most Romantic Ideas for a Date
  3. Must-know Valentine’s Day Vocabulary
  4. Hebrew Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day
  5. Hebrew Quotes about Love
  6. Marriage Proposal Lines
  7. 15 Most Common Break-Up Lines
  8. Will Falling in Love Help You Learn Hebrew Faster?

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1. Common Phrases You’ll Need for a Date

So, you have met your Hebrew love interest. Congratulations! Who knows where this could take you…?! However, the two of you have just met and you’re not ready to say the Hebrew word for love just yet. Great, it is better to get to know him/her first. Wow your prospective love by using these Hebrew date phrases to set up a spectacular first date.

Hebrew Date Phrases

Would you like to go out to dinner with me?

  • רוצה לצאת איתי לארוחת ערב?
  • rotse latset yti learuchat erev?

The important question! In most cultures, this phrase indicates: ‘I’m romantically interested in you’. Flirting in Hebrew is no different, so don’t take your date to Mcdonald’s!

Are you free this weekend?

  • אתה חופשי בסוף השבוע?
  • ata chofshi besof hashavua?

This is a preamble to asking your love interest on a date. If you get an immediate ‘Yes’, that’s good news!

Would you like to hang out with me?

  • רוצה לבלות יחד?
  • rotse levalot yachad?

You like her/him, but you’re not sure if there’s chemistry. Ask them to hang out first to see if a dinner date is next.

What time shall we meet tomorrow?

  • באיזו שעה אתה רוצה להפגש מחר?
  • be’eizo sha’a ata rotse lehipagesh machar?

Set a time, and be sure to arrive early! Nothing spoils a potential relationship more than a tardy date.

Where shall we meet?

  • איפה אתה רוצה להיפגש?
  • eifo ata rotse lehipagesh?

You can ask this, but also suggest a place.

You look great.

  • אתה נראה נהדר.
  • ata nir’eh neheder

A wonderful ice breaker! This phrase will help them relax a bit – they probably took great care to look their best just for you.

You are so cute.

  • אתה כל כך חמוד.
  • ata kol kakh chamud

If the two of you are getting on really well, this is a fun, flirtatious phrase to use.

What do you think of this place?

  • מה אתה חושב על המקום הזה?
  • ma ata choshev al hamakom haze?

This another good conversation starter. Show off your Hebrew language skills!

Can I see you again?

  • רוצה להפגש שוב?
  • rotse lehipagesh shuv?

So the date went really well – don’t waste time! Make sure you will see each other again.

Shall we go somewhere else?

  • רוצה ללכת למקום אחר?
  • rotse lalekhet lemakom acher?

If the place you meet at is not great, you can suggest going elsewhere. It is also a good question to follow the previous one. Variety is the spice of life!

I know a good place.

  • אני מכירה מקום טוב.
  • ani mekira makom tov

Use this with the previous question. However, don’t say if you don’t know a good place!

I will drive you home.

  • אני אסיע אותך הבייתה.
  • ani asiya otkha habayta

If your date doesn’t have transport, this is a polite, considerate offer. However, don’t be offended if she/he turns you down on the first date. Especially a woman might not feel comfortable letting you drive her home when the two of you are still basically strangers.

That was a great evening.

  • זה היה ערב נהדר.
  • ze haya erev neheder

This is a good phrase to end the evening with.

When can I see you again?

  • מתי אני רואה אותך שוב?
  • matai ani roah otkha shuv?

If he/she replied ‘Yes’ to ‘Can I see you again?’, this is the next important question.

I’ll call you.

  • אני אתקשר אליך.
  • ani etkasher eleykha

Say this only if you really mean to do it. In many cultures, this could imply that you’re keeping the proverbial backdoor open.

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2. The Most Romantic Ideas for a Date

You learned all the Hebrew phrases to make a date – congratulations! Now you have to decide where to meet, which can be tricky. Discuss these options with your lover to gauge whether you like the same things. Check out romantic date ideas in Hebrew below!

Date Ideas in Hebrew


  • מוזאון
  • Museum

If you’re looking for unique date ideas that are fun but won’t break the bank, museums are the perfect spot! You won’t be running out of things to say in the conversations.

go to the aquarium

  • ללכת לאקווריום
  • lalekhet la’akvaryum

Going to the aquarium is another good idea if you need topics for conversation, or if you need to impress your lover’s kids! Make sure your date doesn’t have a problem with aquariums.

walk on the beach

  • ללכת על החוף
  • lalekhet al hachof

This can be a very romantic stroll, especially at night! The sea is often associated with romance and beauty.

have a picnic

  • לעשות פיקניק
  • la’asot piknik

If you and your date need to get more comfortable together, this can be a fantastic date. Spending time in nature is soothing and calms the nerves.

cook a meal together

  • לבשל ארוחה ביחד
  • levashel arucha beyachad

If you want to get an idea of your date’s true character in one go, this is an excellent date! You will quickly see if the two of you can work together in a confined space. If it works, it will be fantastic for the relationship and create a sense of intimacy. If not, you will probably part ways!

have dinner and see a movie

  • ללכת לארוחת ערב וסרט
  • lalekhet learuchat erev veseret

This is traditional date choice works perfectly well. Just make sure you and your date like the same kind of movies!

candlelit dinner

  • ארוחת ערב לאור נרות
  • aruchat erev leor nerot

A candlelit dinner is perhaps best to reserve for when the relationship is getting serious. It’s very intimate, and says: “Romance!” It’s a fantastic choice if you’re sure you and your date are in love with each other!

go to the zoo

  • ללכת לגן החיות
  • lalechet legan hachayot

This is a good choice for shy lovers who want to get the conversation going. Just make sure your date likes zoos, as some people dislike them. Maybe not for the first date, but this is also a great choice if your lover has children – you’ll win his/her adoration for inviting them along!

go for a long walk

  • לצאת להליכה ארוכה
  • latset lehalikha aruka

Need to talk about serious stuff, or just want to relax with your date? Walking together is soothing, and a habit you can keep up together always! Just make sure it’s a beautiful walk that’s not too strenuous.

go to the opera

  • ללכת לאופרה
  • lalekhet laopera

This type of date should only be attempted if both of you love the opera. It can be a special treat, followed by a candlelit dinner!

3. Must-know Valentine’s Day Vocabulary

Valentine's Day Words in Hebrew

Expressing your feelings honestly is very important in any relationship all year round. Yet, on Valentine’s Day you really want to shine. Impress your lover this Valentine’s with your excellent vocabulary, and make his/her day! We teach you, in fun, effective ways, the meanings of the words and how to pronounce them. You can also copy the characters and learn how to write ‘I love you’ in Hebrew – think how impressed your date will be!

4. Hebrew Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day

So, you now have the basic Valentine’s Day vocabulary under your belt. Well done! But, do you know how to say ‘I love you’ in Hebrew yet? Or perhaps you are still only friends. So, do you know how to say ‘I like you’ or ‘I have a crush on you’ in Hebrew? No? Don’t worry, here are all the love phrases you need to bowl over your Hebrew love on this special day!

Valentine's Day Words in Hebrew

I love you.

  • אני אוהב אותך.
  • ani ohev otkha.

Saying ‘I love you’ in Hebrew carries the same weight as in all languages. Use this only if you’re sure and sincere about your feelings for your partner/friend.

You mean so much to me.

  • אתה כל כך חשוב לי.
  • ata kol kakh khashuv li.

This is a beautiful expression of gratitude that will enhance any relationship! It makes the receiver feel appreciated and their efforts recognized.

Will you be my Valentine?

  • התהיה בן זוגי בחג האהבה?
  • ha`tihiye ben zugi be`khag ha`ahava?

With these words, you are taking your relationship to the next level! Or, if you have been a couple for a while, it shows that you still feel the romance. So, go for it!

You’re so beautiful.

  • את כל כך יפה.
  • at kol kakh yafa.

If you don’t know how to say ‘You’re pretty’ in Hebrew, this is a good substitute, gentlemen!

I think of you as more than a friend.

  • אני חושב עליך כיותר מידידה.
  • ani khoshev alaikh ke`yoter miydida.

Say this if you are not yet sure that your romantic feelings are reciprocated. It is also a safe go-to if you’re unsure about the Hebrew dating culture.

A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.

  • מאה לבבות יהיו מעט מדי כדי להכיל את כל האהבה שלי אלייך.
  • mea levavot ihiyu meat midai kdei lehakhil et kol ha`ahava sheli elaikh.

You romantic you…! When your heart overflows with love, this would be the best phrase to use.

Love is just love. It can never be explained.

  • אהבה היא פשוט אהבה. היא אף פעם לא מוסברת.
  • ahava hi pashut ahava. hi af pa-am lo musberet.

If you fell in love unexpectedly or inexplicably, this one’s for you.

You’re so handsome.

  • אתה כל כך יפה.
  • ata kol kakh yafe.

Ladies, this phrase lets your Hebrew love know how much you appreciate his looks! Don’t be shy to use it; men like compliments too.

I’ve got a crush on you.

  • אני דלוק עלייך.
  • ani daluk alaikh.

If you like someone, but you’re unsure about starting a relationship, it would be prudent to say this. It simply means that you like someone very, very much and think they’re amazing.

You make me want to be a better man.

  • את גורמת לי לרצות להיות אדם טוב יותר.
  • at goremet li lirtsot lihiyot adam tov yoter.

Gentlemen, don’t claim this phrase as your own! It hails from the movie ‘As Good as it Gets’, but it is sure to make your Hebrew girlfriend feel very special. Let her know that she inspires you!

Let all that you do be done in love.

  • עשה הכל באהבה.
  • ase hakol be`ahava.

We hope.

You are my sunshine, my love.

  • אתה הקרן אור שלי, האהבה שלי.
  • ata ha`keren or sheli, ha`ahava sheli.

A compliment that lets your lover know they bring a special quality to your life. Really nice!

Words can’t describe my love for you.

  • מילים לא יכולות לתאר את האהבה שלי אלייך.
  • milim lo yekholot letaer et ha`ahava sheli elekha.

Better say this when you’re feeling serious about the relationship! It means that your feelings are very intense.

We were meant to be together.

  • נועדנו להיות יחד.
  • noadnu lihiyot yakhad.

This is a loving affirmation that shows you see a future together, and that you feel a special bond with your partner.

If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you’re definitely in love.

  • אם חשבת על מישהו בזמן שקראת את זה, אתה ללא ספק מאוהב.
  • eem khashavta al mishehi bizman she`karata et ze, ata lelo safek meohav.

Here’s something fun to tease your lover with. And hope he/she was thinking of you!

5. Hebrew Quotes about Love

Hebrew Love Quotes

You’re a love champ! You and your Hebrew lover are getting along fantastically, your dates are awesome, your Valentine’s Day together was spectacular, and you’re very much in love. Good for you! Here are some beautiful phrases of endearment in Hebrew that will remind him/her who is in your thoughts all the time.

6. Marriage Proposal Lines

Hebrew Marriage Proposal Lines

Wow. Your Hebrew lover is indeed the love of your life – congratulations! And may only happiness follow the two of you! In most traditions, the man asks the woman to marry; this is also the Hebrew custom. Here are a few sincere and romantic lines that will help you to ask your lady-love for her hand in marriage.

7. 15 Most Common Break-Up Lines

Hebrew Break-Up Lines

Instead of moving towards marriage or a long-term relationship, you find that the spark is not there for you. That is a pity! But even though breaking up is never easy, continuing a bad or unfulfilling relationship would be even harder. Remember to be kind to the person you are going to say goodbye to; respect and sensitivity cost nothing. Here are some phrases to help you break up gently.

  • We need to talk.
    • אנחנו צריכים לדבר.
    • anakhnu tsrikhim le`daber.

    This is not really a break-up line, but it is a good conversation opener with a serious tone.

    It’s not you. It’s me.

    • זה לא אתה. זה אני.
    • ze lo ata. ze ani.

    As long as you mean it, this can be a kind thing to say. It means that there’s nothing wrong with your Hebrew lover as a person, but that you need something different from a relationship.

    I’m just not ready for this kind of relationship.

    • אני פשוט לא מוכן למערכת יחסים מהסוג הזה.
    • ani pashut lo mukhan le`ma-arekhet yakhasim meha`sug haze.

    Things moved a bit fast and got too intense, too soon? Painful as it is, honesty is often the best way to break up with somebody.

    Let’s just be friends.

    • בוא פשוט נהיה חברים.
    • bo pashut nihiye khaverim.

    If the relationship was very intense, and you have sent many ‘i love u’ texts in Hebrew, this would not be a good breakup line. Feelings need to calm down before you can be friends, if ever. If the relationship has not really developed yet, a friendship would be possible.

    I think we need a break.

    • אני חושב שאנחנו צריכים הפסקה.
    • ani khoshev she`anakhnu tsrikhim hafsaka.

    This is again honest, and to the point. No need to play with someone’s emotions by not letting them know how you feel. However, this could imply that you may fall in love with him/her again after a period of time, so use with discretion.

    You deserve better.

    • מגיע לך יותר טוב.
    • megi-ah lekha yoter tov.

    Yes, he/she probably deserves a better relationship if your own feelings have cooled down.

    We should start seeing other people.

    • אנחנו צריכים להתחיל לצאת עם אנשים אחרים.
    • anakhnu tsrikhim lehatkhil latset eem anashim akherim.

    This is probably the least gentle break-up phrase, so reserve it for a lover that doesn’t get the message!

    I need my space.

    • אני צריך את החופש שלי.
    • ani tsarikh et ha`khofesh sheli.

    When a person is too clingy or demanding, this would be an suitable break-up phrase. It is another good go-to for that lover who doesn’t get the message!

    I think we’re moving too fast.

    • אני חושב שאנחנו מתקדמים מהר מדי.
    • ani khoshev she`anakhnu mitkadmim maher midai.

    Say this if you want to keep the relationship, but need to slow down its progress a bit. It is also good if you feel things are getting too intense for your liking. However, it is not really a break-up line, so be careful not to mislead.

    I need to focus on my career.

    • אני צריך להתמקד בקריירה שלי.
    • ani tsarikh le`hitmaked ba`karyera sheli.

    If you feel that you will not be able to give 100% in a relationship due to career demands, this is the phrase to use. It’s also good if you are unwilling to give up your career for a relationship.

    I’m not good enough for you.

    • אני לא מספיק טוב בשבילך.
    • ani lo maspik tov bishvilekh.

    Say this only if you really believe it, or you’ll end up sounding false. Break-ups are usually hard for the receiving party, so don’t insult him/her with an insincere comment.

    I just don’t love you anymore.

    • אני פשוט לא אוהב אותך יותר.
    • ani pashut lo ohev otakh yoter.

    This harsh line is sometimes the best one to use if you are struggling to get through to a stubborn, clingy lover who won’t accept your break up. Use it as a last resort. Then switch your phone off and block their emails!

    We’re just not right for each other.

    • אנחנו פשוט לא מתאימים.
    • anakhnu pashut lo mat-eemim.

    If this is how you truly feel, you need to say it. Be kind, gentle and polite.

    It’s for the best.

    • עדיף כך.
    • adif kakh.

    This phrase is called for if circumstances are difficult and the relationship is not progressing well. Love should enhance one’s life, not burden it!

    We’ve grown apart.

    • התרחקנו אחד מהשניה.
    • hitrakhaknu ekhad meha`shniya.

    Cross-cultural relationships are often long-distance ones, and it is easy to grow apart over time.

  • 8. Will Falling in Love help you Learn Hebrew faster?

    Most people will agree that the above statement is a no-brainer – of course it will! Your body will be flooded with feel-good hormones, which are superb motivators for anything. HebrewPod101 is one of the best portals to help help make this a reality, so don’t hesitate to enroll now! Let’s quickly look at the reasons why falling in love will speed up your learning of the Hebrew language.

    Three Reasons Why Having a Lover will Help you Learn Hebrew Faster!


    1- Being in a love relationship with your Hebrew speaking partner will immerse you in the culture
    HebrewPod101 uses immersive methods and tools to teach you Hebrew, but having a relationship with a native speaker will be a very valuable addition to your learning experience! You will gain exposure to their world, realtime and vividly, which will make the language come alive even more for you. The experience is likely to expand your world-view, which should motivate you to learn Hebrew even faster.

    2- Having your Hebrew romantic partner will mean more opportunity to practice speaking
    Nothing beats continuous practice when learning a new language. Your partner will probably be very willing to assist you in this, as your enhanced Hebrew language skills will enhance the relationship. Communication is, after all, one of the most important pillars of a good partnership. Also, you will get to impress your lover with the knowledge gained through your studies – a win/win situation!

    3- A supportive Hebrew lover is likely to make a gentle, patient teacher and study aid!
    With his/her heart filled with love and goodwill for you, your Hebrew partner is likely to patiently and gently correct your mistakes when you speak. This goes not only for grammar, but also for accent and meaning. With his/her help, you could sound like a native in no time!

    Three Reasons Why HebrewPod101 helps you learn Hebrew Even Faster when you’re In Love

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    1- All the Resources and Materials Will Help Both of You
    Falling in love with a man or woman speaking Hebrew is an opportunity for both of you to learn a new language! For this reason, every lesson, transcript, vocabulary list, and resource at HebrewPod101 is translated into both English and Hebrew. So, while your partner can help you learn Hebrew faster, you can potentially also help him/her learn and master English!

    2- Lessons Are Designed to Help You Understand and Engage with Hebrew Culture
    At HebrewPod101, our focus is to help our students learn practical vocabulary and phrases used by everyday people in Israel. This means that, from your very first lesson, you can apply what you learn immediately! So, when your Hebrew partner wants to go out to a restaurant, play Pokemon Go, or attend just about any social function, you have the vocabulary and phrases necessary to have a great time!

    3- Access to Special Resources Dedicated to Romantic Hebrew Phrases
    You now have access to HebrewPod101’s specially-developed sections and tools to teach you love words, phrases, and cultural insights to help you find and attract your Hebrew soul mate. A personal tutor will assist you to master these brilliantly – remember to invite him/her to your wedding!