Archive for the 'Hebrew Words' Category
August 8, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – carrot (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!גזר (gezer) carrot (noun)פילפלים, ברוקולי, קישואים, כרשות, גזרים, חצילים ו חסה הם ירוקות Pil'pelim, brokoli, kishu'im, kra'shot, g'zarim, chatzilim ve-chasah hem yerakot.Peppers, broccoli, zucchini, leeks, carrots, eggplants, and lettuce are all vegetables.גזרים בדרך כלל בצבע כתוםg'zarim be-derekh klal be-tzeva katomCarrots are usually orange in color.גזר כתוםgezer katomorange carrotOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
August 2, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – cat (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!חתול (chatul) cat (noun)The black cat is walking across the screen.הֶחָתוּל הַשָּׁחֹר חוֹצֶה אֶת הַמָּסָךְThe black cat is walking across the screen.גור החתולים נקרא חתלתולgur ha-chatulim nikra chatal'tulA baby cat is called a kitten.החתול המפוספס משחק עם צמר אדוםha-chatul ha-me'fus'pas me'sachek im tzemer adomThe striped cat is playing with red yarn.חתול גדולhatul gadolbig catחתול מחמדchatul mach'madpet catחתול שחור ולבןchatul shachor ve-lavanblack and white catOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and... Show more
July 23, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – older sister
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!אחות גדולה (achot g'dolah) older sisterלהיות בעל אחות גדולהhave an older sisterאחות גדולה ואחות צעירהolder sister and younger sisterOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
July 4, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – pork (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!(בשר חזיר (בשר לבן (basar chazir) pork (noun).אכילת חזיר אסורה במספר דתותAkhilat chazir hi asur be-mis'par datot.Eating pork is forbidden by a number of religions..בשר לבן הוא בשר מחזיריםBasar lavan hu basar me-chazirim.Pork is the meat from a pig.צלעות חזירtz'la'ot chazirpork chopsצלי בשר לבןtzli basar lavanpork roastOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
June 29, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – older brother
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!אח גדול (ach gadol) older brotherיש לי שני אחים גדולים, ושניהם שוטרים.I have two older brothers, and both are police officiers.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
June 1, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – pig (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!חזיר (chazir) pig (noun).החזירים נחים בשמשha-chazirim nachim ba-shemesh.The pigs are resting in the sun.האם מניקה את החזירוניםha-em menikah et ha-chazironimThe mother is nursing the piglets.חזירים הם חיות חכמותchazirim hem chiyot cha'chamotPigs are intelligent animals. האם מניקה את החזירים הצעיריםha-em menikah et ha-chazirim ha-tze'irimThe mother is nursing the young pigs.החזירה מניקה את החזירוניםha-chazirah menikah et ha-chazironimThe pig is nursing the piglets.חזיר ורודchazir varodpink pigחזיר ורוד בתוך דיר-חזירים chazir varod be-tokh dir-chazirimpink pig inside pig-penOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with... Show more
May 22, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – teeth (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!שיניים (shinayim) teeth (noun).האישה מצחצחת את שיניהHa-ishah metzach'tzachat et shineyah.The girl is brushing her teeth..האיש חורק את שיניו Ha-ish chorek et shinav.The man is grinding his teeth.שיניים לבנותshinayim levanotwhite teethמצחצח שינייםme'tzach'tze'ach shinayimbrush one's teethציחצח שינייםtzitze'ach shinayimbrush one's teethOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
May 6, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – water (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!מים (mayim) water (noun).האיש שותה מים מבקבוקHa-ish shoteh mayim mi-bak'buk.The man is drinking from the water bottle..האישה שותה מיםHa-isha shotah mayim.The woman is drinking water.?אפשר לקבל מים, בבקשהEf'shar lekabel mayim, be-vakeshah?Can I have some water, please??אפשר לקבל קצת מים, בבקשהIf'shar likabek k'tzat mayim, bevakeshah.Can I have some water, please??אפשר לקבל קצת מיים, בבקשהIf'shar lekabel k'tzat mayim, bevakeshah?Can I have some water, please?שותה מיםshoteh mayimdrink waterכוס מיםkos mayimglass of waterכוס מייםkos mayimglass of waterOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the... Show more
May 4, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – car (noun)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!מכונית (mekhonit) car (noun).האיש נוהג במכוניתHa-ish noheg be-mekhonit.The man is driving a car..האיש דוחף את המכוניתHa-ish dochef et ha-mekhonit.The man is pushing the car..זאת מכונית כחולה בעלת שתי דלתותZot mechonit k'chulah ba'alat sh'tei d'latot.It's a blue, two-door car..הכלב נכנס למכוניתHa-kelev nikh'nas la-mekhonit. The dog is getting in the car.נוהג במכוניתnoheg be-mekhonitdrive a carנהג במכוניתnahag bi-mekhonitdrive a carOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
May 2, 2011
Hebrew Word of the Day – come (verb)
Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!בא (ba) come (verb).הילדה מתקדמת לעבר מצלמת הווידאוHa-yaldah mit'kademet le-ever matz'lemat ha-video.The girl is coming towards the video camera.בוא לפהBo le-po.Come here..הילדה התקדמה לעבר מצלמת הווידאוHa-yal'dah hit'kad'mah le-ever matz'lemat ha-vide'o.The girl came towards the video camera..בוא הנהBo henah.Come here.בא מוקדםba muk'damcome earlyהתקדםhit'kademcome towardsהתקדם לעבר מצלמת ווידאוhit'kadem le-ever matz'lemat vide'ocome towards a video cameraOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and... Show more