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Archive for the 'Learn Hebrew' Category

The Top 15 Ways to Say Hello in Hebrew

Lewis Carroll, in the famous book Alice in Wonderland, wrote some of the best advice ever given: "Begin at the beginning." When learning Hebrew, as with any language, there’s no better beginning than learning how to say hello in Hebrew. We say hello to people all the time, every day. Whether we want to greet a friend, start a conversation with a stranger to ask for directions, or perhaps introduce ourselves to someone we see from across the bar, knowing the right Hebrew greeting is essential! Is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of hello in Hebrew shalom? You’re not alone, as this is the most common and popular way to say hello in Hebrew greetings. As in many languages, there are several different ways to say hello... Show more

How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day in Hebrew

Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. Yet, when exactly is April Fools’ Day? And where did April Fools come from? April Fools’ Day is observed on April 1st every year. This day of jokes and pranks is believed to have stemmed from the 16th-century calendar change in France, when New Year’s Day was moved from April 1 to January 1. This action was taken due to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. However, a few people were resistant to the calendar change, so they continued to observe New Year’s Day on April 1st, rather than the new date. They were referred to as the “April Fools”, and others started playing mocking tricks on them. This custom endured, and is practiced to this day... Show more

5 Ways to Profit from Your Mistakes While Learning Hebrew

The fear of making mistakes is one of the biggest roadblocks to language learning. Out of all the discomforts that come with learning a foreign language nothing looms quite as daunting in the mind of a beginner. It’s almost as if we’re hardwired to want perfection when we speak. However the reality is that mistakes are unavoidable. I’d even go so far as to say that they’re an integral part of the learning process. But still we try are hardest to fight them, thinking that perhaps the key to learning rests in the flashiest method or the LiveFluent Hebrew course or HebrewPod101. Think of small children who are just starting to learn English. They mispronounce words. They use words incorrectly, and their grammar is usually pretty... Show more

How To Say ‘Thank you’ in Hebrew

In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another. The dictionary defines gratitude as follows: it is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. Giving a sincere, thankful response to someone’s actions or words is often the ‘glue’ that keeps relationships together. This is true in most societies! Doing so in a foreign country also shows your respect and appreciation for the culture. Words have great power - use these ones sincerely and often! Table of Contents 12 Ways to say ‘Thank you’ in Hebrew Video Lesson: Learn to Say ‘Thank You’ in 3 Minutes Infographic & Audio Lesson: Survival Phrases - Thank You Video Lesson: ‘Thank You’ in 31... Show more

Hebrew Word of the Day – elephant (noun)

Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!פיל (pil) elephant (noun)אני ראיתי פיל בגן החיות.Ani ra'iti pil be'gan ha'khayot.I saw an elephant at the zoo.הפילון משחק עם עפר בגן החיות.Ha-pilon me'sakhek im afar be-gan ha-khayot.The baby elephant is playing with dirt in a zoo.פיל אפורpil aforgray elephantOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Hebrew Word of the Day – blackboard (noun)

Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!לוח (lu'akh) blackboard (noun)אחרי השיעור אני רוצה שאתה תישאר ותימחק את הלוחות.Acharei ha-shi'ur ani rotze she-ata ti'sha'er ve-tim'chak et ha-luchot.After class I want you to stay and erase the blackboards.לוח כיתהlu'ach kitahclassroom blackboardתמחק את הלוח.Tim'chak et ha-lu'ach.Erase the blackboard.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Hebrew Word of the Day – leg (noun)

Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!רגל (regel) leg (noun)האישה שוטפת את הרגל שלה.Ha-isha shote`fet et ha-regel shela.The woman is rinsing her leg.רגליים ארוכותrag'layim arukotlong legsOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

How to Start Thinking in Hebrew

Learn 4 tools and techniques to stop translating in your head and start thinking in Going through lessons is enough to get by and learn the basics of , but to truly become fluent you need to be able to think in . This will allow you to have conversations with ease, read smoothly, and comprehensively understand natives. To do this, you need to go beyond just completing daily or weekly lessons. We naturally translate in our heads because it's viewed as the easiest way to learn the definitions needed when learning a language. This way of learning can actually hinder your skills and fluency later on. If your brain has to make neural connections between the word you're learning, what it means in your native tongue, and the physical object... Show more

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface Your learning is about to get a whole lot easier. More than ever, learners are choosing mobile as the platform to study Hebrew. Mobile has always been a part of our DNA. We began our life on your iPod, and have remained by your side ever since. In our 11th year, we’re returning to our roots as a way to learn Hebrew on-the-go. How? With a brand-new lesson interface just for you. Hint: It will launch in beta later this month! If you want to secure access to this brand new upgrade, take advantage of the upcoming All Access Pass Sale! Click Here to Get 25% OFF All HebrewPod101 Subscriptions! (example taken from japanesepod101.com) It’s built from the ground-up to be a... Show more

Hebrew Word of the Day – rest (verb)

Learn a little Hebrew everyday with the free Hebrew Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!נח (nach) rest (verb)האישה נחה בערסל.Ha-isha nakha ba-ar'sal.The woman is resting in the hammock.האיש נח בערסל.Ha-ish nakh ba-arsal.The man is resting in the hammock.הגורילה נחה על הדשא.Ha-gorila nakha al ha'deshe.The gorilla is resting in the grass.מנוחה ורגיעהmenukha u-regi'ahrest and relaxationנח במיטהnakh ba'mitarest in a bedOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hebrew Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!