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Archive for the 'Tips & Techniques' Category

How Long Does it Take to Learn Hebrew?

How long does it take to learn Hebrew? This is an altogether common question for people interested in picking up this ancient, vibrant, and wholly unique language.  No two students are alike, so the answer to this question will vary based on who you are and how you go about studying. For example, if you already know how to read the Hebrew alphabet, you’ll surely progress much faster than someone starting from scratch. Or if you’re able to do immersion learning in Israel, you’ll likely progress more quickly than someone learning in a place where they can’t engage with Hebrew day and night. Of course, motivation is one of the most central factors in determining how fast you progress with a language. For instance, if you’re learning... Show more

Take Care of Business with Hebrew Business Phrases

In Israel, business is booming. It’s well-known that Israel is one of the most advanced and dynamic economies the world over. The country has, in fact, been dubbed the Startup Nation for the immense number of businesses launched in or from Israel. Having only sparse natural resources, Israel has, since its inception, wisely invested in its human resource through extensive research and development. In particular, Israel is a world leader in technology pertaining to communications, computers, aviation, the military, agriculture, and medicine, among many other sectors. Amazingly, Israel has more companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country, except the U.S. and China! So, if you’re planning on doing business with Israelis or in Israel,... Show more

Top 10 Hebrew YouTube Channels for Your Hebrew Studies

Feeling like you’ve lost some momentum in your Hebrew language studies? Or maybe you’re just looking to spice things up a bit? Along with Hebrew movies and TV shows, YouTube channels are one of the best ways to supplement your Hebrew learning while lightening the load on those gray cells. Indeed, watching Hebrew YouTube videos is a great way to expose yourself to authentic Hebrew spoken by native Israelis, while at the same time taking a break from the books. There’s no doubt that HebrewPod101 is your best bet for a solid Hebrew foundation, offering you a wealth of resources to work on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and idiomatic features of the language, including slang. In fact, all of our lessons are prepared and/or taught by... Show more

Is Hebrew Hard to Learn? (And Why to Learn Anyway.)

Let's face it. Hebrew is not the most popular language choice for those seeking to acquire a new one. It’s not as sexy-sounding as, say, French or Spanish. It doesn’t have international status as a lingua franca for culture or commerce. It’s spoken by a mere nine million people worldwide.  Yet there are a number of great reasons to make it your next language undertaking. In this article, we’ll answer the question "Is Hebrew hard to learn?" and talk about its simpler and more complex aspects. But first, we’ll show you why you should learn this beautiful language. The number-one reason is that Hebrew is, quite simply, unique among all languages, and for more than one reason. It’s the language of nearly the entire Old Testament (the Book... Show more

10 Common Mistakes in Learning Hebrew & How to Avoid Them

It’s more than expected to make mistakes when learning a new language, particularly when that language is quite different from your mother tongue. Whether in terms of correct pronunciation, the right word for the right situation, or the small differences that can make the difference between an idiomatic phrase and an idiotic one, languages are full of traps that only native speakers can navigate with ease.  With all that in mind, it’s perfectly normal for a language-learner to make the occasional mistake in Hebrew. But we here at HebrewPod101.com are here to help you avoid the worst of them. Today’s lesson will cover the top ten most common Hebrew mistakes. While there are some mistakes in life that one must make in order to learn... Show more

The Top 10 Most Common Hebrew Questions & How to Answer Them

Voltaire once famously said: "Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers."  In Jewish tradition, in particular, questions are of immense importance.  For instance, the Passover Seder invites the children to participate by asking Four Questions in Hebrew about the traditions particular to that meal. There’s another point in the Seder where we talk about the four types of children. The first three are the Good, the Wicked, and the Simpleton; each is characterized by the nature and content of the questions he asks about Passover. The final child is called He Who Does Not Know to Ask Questions, and we’re encouraged to ask the questions for him.  So, you can see that questions are powerful and important in Judaism. On a... Show more

How to Pass the YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Test

For anyone who matriculated from high school and/or took their university entrance exams in a language other than Hebrew, the YAEL Test will almost surely be a requisite to pursuing a higher education in Israel.  This exam is one of the most popular Hebrew proficiency tests, aimed at testing both the receptive and productive abilities of the test-taker with a specific focus on academic language. YAEL Test scores are used by Israeli educational institutions to screen applicants; many of these institutions specify a minimum score on the YAEL Test as one of their entrance requirements. The higher your score, the more likely you are to be exempted from taking Hebrew language courses during your studies at university. It’s worth noting... Show more

Hebrew Keyboard: How to Install and Type in Hebrew

You asked, so we provided—easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up your electronic devices to write in Hebrew! We’ll also give you a few excellent tips on how to use this keyboard, as well as some online and app alternatives if you prefer not to set up a Hebrew keyboard. Table of Contents Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Hebrew Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for Hebrew How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer How to Change the Language Settings to Hebrew on Your Computer Activating the Hebrew Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet Hebrew Keyboard Typing Tips How to Practice Typing Hebrew 1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Hebrew Learning a new language is made so much easier... Show more

Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

Can You Really Learn Hebrew Alone? Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals? Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Hebrew or any language without traditional classroom instruction: HebrewPod101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is HebrewPod101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options! Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Hebrew or any language alone. Also, don't forget to... Show more

Language Learning Tips: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Yes, even beginners can quickly learn conversational Hebrew well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers. Of course, beginners won’t be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language. But, just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers! But before we get to specific suggestions, let’s first take a closer look at how having real Hebrew conversations is so vital to your mastery of the language. Learning to Carry a Conversation is Vital to Mastery of Any Language Communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation is almost second nature in our native tongue. For... Show more