HebrewPod101.com Blog

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Learn A New Language with the NEW Innovative Language Learning!

Good design is important. It communicates in ways text can’t. It is the visual delivery of what a website is about. With this in mind, the Innovative Language Learning website has been redesigned. We’ve thought about how we could best portray who we are and how we can help language lovers like you. And after long hours of tinkering in the lab, here is the result! Ready? Go! Visit the Innovative Language Learning Homepage! Select your language. Lifetime of learning. The mobile way. The sleek new design gets right to the point – you want to learn a foreign language. We help you master over 38 languages – including some rare ones like Mongolian and Swahili – in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way. ... Show more

10 Best Hebrew Holiday Gifts!

Your aunt? Get her an itchy sweater. Brother? Father? Itchy sweaters. Hey, it’s winter – a sweater is perfectly sensible gift. But a Hebrew language lover, like you? Someone on a mission to be awesome at Hebrew!? Someone that devours podcasts, workbooks, and textbooks like a Hebrew learning monster and roars “MORE!”!? Don’t get sweaters! Get MORE! More Hebrew! And here are 10 ways to do so! We’re counting down the holiday season with 10 days of the 10 BEST deals of the year! Deals like 55% Off Premium! 50% Off Basic, 50% Off Apps and More! Today's Deal Lasts Only 24 Hours! Click To Get It! Starting from December 12th until the 23rd – not including the weekend – there will be a daily deal, each 24 hours long. At... Show more

Killer Cyber Week Deals

Hello Listener, What’s Cyber Monday you ask? Why, it’s the Internet’s busiest shopping day of the year. Deals are everywhere – minus the crowds! Everyone’s at home, click-click-clicking! You see, moms are buying shoes, dads are buying TV’s and… Language Learners? They’re looking for deals to spend less and learn more Hebrew! But we’re not going to stop at just one day of hot deals on subscriptions. We slashed the price of everything we’ve got by 30% for an entire week! Welcome to Cyber Week : HebrewPod101 Style. All Basic Subscriptions - Only $42 for 1 Year! All Premium Subscriptions - $54 OFF for 1 Year! All iPhone Apps - As low as .99 or FREE! All Audiobooks - As low as $6.99! The 30% OFF Coupon has been... Show more

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today?

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today? If not, we’d like to be the first! And we’d like to say it in 26 different languages. So listener, thank you for being a part of the Innovative Language family and for learning with us! Even though Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated in many parts of the world, everyone, everywhere loves hearing “thank you.” Click here to visit our Thank You Page and get your Free video lesson: ‘Learn how to say thank you in 26 different languages.’ One day, when you travel the world, that’s the one phrase that will put a smile on other people’s faces. Click Here For Your Free Thank You Video Lesson But...that’s not all! Looking to learn more Hebrew? From November 20th to the 25th – Get... Show more

New! MyFlashcards are Smart Flashcards

Hello Listener, Seen that iPhone 4S? It’s pretty smart and all. But is it making you smarter? Our new MyFlashcards are smarter now – but their goal is to make you smarter in too! If you’re a Premium Member, you know all about our spaced repetition system for learning lots and lots of vocabulary. However, we’ve recently made some BIG changes to the MyFlashcard system. Quick Overview: The Good Stuff In short MyFlashcards eliminates the “Where do I start?” “When should I study?” and “How much should I study?” by assigning you the words and dates. MyFlashcards 2.3 Update makes learning more efficient by: assigning you the words due today marking your progress, overall and by word stopping you when you’ve done enough ... Show more

Suddenly, A New Feature Appears!

Click on it! It’s super effective! As requested by users, we’re introducing Explore Curriculum, and it is indeed super effective! That’s because it answers two big questions users have: 1) What is this series about? 2) What will I learn? Whether you want to preview, view, or review a season and the lessons inside, use Explore Curriculum. How’s it super effective, you ask? It addresses a big issue in learning language: spending time on something you’ve already learned before. If you already know it, isn’t the time better spent on something you don’t know? You can’t skip what you already know in a classroom, but at HebrewPod101, you can! Explore Curriculum does just that. It provides a snapshot of seasons and their lessons... Show more

Why You Need Hebrew Basics!

Before Michael Jordan was great. Before Bruce Lee was great. And before your favorite actor was great, do you know what they did? They sat around hoping to be great. Wait, no. They practiced their basic skills every day. This is why it’s important to get back to the basics of Hebrew and reinforce your listening, speaking, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. But we’re not talking about the easy stuff, man. We mean the necessary basics! If you learn just the Hebrew verb conjugation rules but can’t conjugate any verb immediately, on the spot, without looking it up?... ...You need to get back to basics! Being great in Hebrew requires knowing your basics 100%. With 25% OFF Basic, its time to get back to basics, and go from good... Show more