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Hebrew Body Language: The Top 32 Gestures You’ll Need

Have you ever observed a couple of Israelis speaking? If you have, chances are that you’ve noticed how Israelis use not only their voice but also their hands, face, and entire body to communicate. Much as in other parts of the Mediterranean Basin (with Italians perhaps being the most famous example), Israel is a place where we speak with a high level of expressivity. Because we Israelis are so highly expressive, mere words cannot capture all it is we wish to say. For that reason, we draw on the rest of our body to fine-tune our communication. There are many Hebrew hand gestures and body language signals we use to give added hints, embellishments, and emphasis.  This may seem daunting at first. After all, some gestures will be... Show more

A Compact Hebrew Slang Dictionary for Texting and the Web

It goes without saying that more and more of our lives are lived in the virtual sphere with each passing year. This is true throughout the developed world, and Israel is no exception. While it would be difficult to gauge exact numbers, there is no doubt that Israelis are communicating more via texts and chats than ever before. And, as is the case wherever people communicate via digital means, new Hebrew internet slang words have emerged. They’re characterized by the adaptation of words and expressions (both Hebrew and foreign) for use on the internet and social media, as well as by a penchant for brevity and immediacy to keep up with the pace of instant messages. Even before the internet age, Hebrew was, in fact, already full of pithy,... Show more

The Top 10 Untranslatable Hebrew Words

One of the wonderful things about studying a foreign language is that it’s not merely a matter of translating what you know from your mother tongue directly into the new language. This is especially true when the language you’re learning is linguistically unrelated to the one you already know. In the case of Hebrew and English, aside from a number of loanwords—a few words that entered English from Hebrew via the Old Testament and quite a number of English words adopted by Hebrew speakers in modernity—there’s little common ground between the two. As you’ll see, untranslatable Hebrew words are one area where you’ll notice these distinctions.  One thing that seems universal, even in the case of languages that do pertain to the same... Show more

First Impressions: “My Name is” in Hebrew & More!

A first impression casts ripples into the future of any relationship; they're the most important meeting you may ever have with a person. Whether meeting a potential business partner, making a new friend, or asking someone out on a date, we only get one chance to make a good first impression. With that in mind, the way you introduce yourself to others counts perhaps as much as anything else you might say afterward. But there's no need to stress when trying to learn how to say "My name is" in Hebrew, or any other self-introduction. HebrewPod101.com has you covered! With the following lesson on "how to introduce yourself in Hebrew" phrases, and a bit of practice, it'll become second nature. Like most languages, Hebrew offers numerous ways... Show more

The Top 10 Hebrew Movies

Unlike Hollywood, Israel's film industry has traditionally been much smaller-scale. Still, it has been growing steadily in recent years, particularly since many breakthroughs have made their way onto Netflix or were even redone as American remakes. Hebrew movies and cinema are characterized not only by a typically more intimate, less bombastic approach to treating human stories (with some notable exceptions), but also by mixing comedy and melodrama quite naturally—something surely representative of the Israeli experience. While one could argue that more and more movies coming out of Israel today are modeled after the Tinseltown blockbuster, there have traditionally been—and still are—many unique, independent gems that could only have been... Show more

The Lag BaOmer Holiday: Rabbi Akiva, Bar Kochba & More

Lag BaOmer, the 33rd Day of the Omer, is one of the significant holidays on the calendar to Jews. From its association with Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lag BaOmer story is truly a staple of Jewish culture. And as any language learner knows, understanding a country’s culture is the most important factor in mastering its language! At HebrewPod101.com, we hope to make your learning experience both fun and informative! 1. What is the Lag BaOmer Holiday? Israelites celebrate Lag Ba’omer to commemorate some events that occurred during the second century of the common era: the Bar Kochva revolt against the Romans, the end of the plague that killed thousands of Rabbi Akiva’s students, and the death of Rabbi Shimon Bar... Show more

Watch TV in Hebrew: Top 10 Israeli TV Shows for Learners

One of the best ways to study any language is to expose yourself to real language as used by native speakers in natural, day-to-day contexts. Obviously, immersion is the most effective way to manage this, but not all of us have the opportunity to live in a country where the language we’re learning is spoken. That’s where TV in Hebrew can come in handy. You can use this as a highly practical tool to expose yourself to native speech. In fact, even if we are staying in the country of our target language, or among natives of that country abroad, TV shows and movies have a certain advantage in that they allow us to pause and replay segments we wish to hear again—unlike people in real life, who tend to resist getting paused and replayed! ... Show more

Job Hunting in Hebrew — How to Find Jobs in Israel

If you’re planning to stay in Israel for any considerable length of time, you're probably going to consider looking for a job at some point. Beyond the obvious need to earn a living, entering the job market is also a great way to network. A work environment can open up access to new social circles, as well, and help you start forming the ties you need to navigate in a foreign country. Israel's job market is constantly evolving. There are jobs in Israel for English speakers if you know where and how to look, as well as what to expect in terms of the screening and interview process. Just like anywhere else, looking for work in Israel can definitely be a challenge, depending on your qualifications and the type of job you're after. But... Show more

Purim in Israel: How to Celebrate the Purim Holiday

Purim is a Jewish holiday, celebrated each year in commemoration of the overthrowing of Haman’s plot against the Jews, outlined in the Scroll of Esther. Purim in Israel is, therefore, one of the most important holidays the country celebrates. In learning about Purim, you’re opening your heart and mind to Jewish culture and its people—including its previous and current hardships. At HebrewPod101.com, we hope to make this journey both fun and enlightening. So let’s get started! 1. What is Purim? Purim (also called the Feast of Purim) is based on a story written in the Scroll of Esther. According to the Purim story, Ahasueros, the king of Persia, banished his wife and chose Esther, the Jewess, to take her place. Haman, the... Show more

How to Say I Love You in Hebrew – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Hebrew could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Hebrew partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At HebrewPod101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Hebrew lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material available... Show more