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Dear Loruhama and Andy,
Thank you for the positive feedback!
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Team HebrewPod101.com
Dear Julie Gold Steinberg,
Thanks for posting your feedback and questions!
1. The adjective katsar is used for lengths, while namukh and gavoha describe heights. Therefore, a person can be namukh (but not katsar). A stick can be katsar, for example.
2. All adjectives are conjugated according to gender and number. While kham is the masculine for hot, the feminine is khamah. Here we present the vocabulary in the masculine form, as it is considered the basic form of Hebrew adjectives (and verbs). We deal with feminine and other conjugations in other lesson... 👍
I hope that helps 😄
Team HebrewPod101.com
These are very effective lessons, requiring lots of review & practice.
I love how simple y practical the lessons are ❤️❤️
I learned kar, cold, which is masculine, and was surprised that kham, hot, does not change with gender. I wish an example would be given of the feminine form.
How do you use katsar (short), vs namuch (low) and gavoha (high)?
Hi Philippe,
Thanks for posting your question!
Yes, your assumption was correct! The word "יפהפה" (masculine) or "יפהפיה" (feminine) are used to intensify the adjective "יפה".
Keep up the good work, and enjoy learning Hebrew 😄 👍
Team HebrewPod101.com
Isn't the יפה default form for "beautiful" ? The word יפיפה means "very beautiful, gorgeous".
Hi Everyone!
Thanks for commenting and posting your questions!
I will try to refer to all of the raised subjects one by one:
@sydney choslovsky - "מצויינת" and "נהדרת" are both used to describe something (or someone) that is "great", in the female singular. The meanings are very close, and they are practically synonyms, but it may be that "מצויינת" (excellent) is a little more suiting for "great" in a quantitative way (as in "excellent wine" - "יין מצויין"), while we would use "נהדרת" (glorious, splendid) for more qualitative descriptions (as in "I think the show is splendid "אני חושב שהסדרה נהדרת").
@Elaine Rose - the voweling of the definite article in Hebrew ("ha"/"he") is determined by the following letter and its own voweling. The common "ha" turns to "he" when it appears before "ח" that has an "A" vowel (patach or chataf patach) and before "ה" and "ע" that are voweled by "A" and aren't stressed. This occurs in pretty specific cases (and not too often).
I hope that helps :)
Keep up the good work, and enjoy learning Hebrew with us! 👍👍😄
Team HebrewPod101.com
Zeh kal
Oops an error, I meant to write Kol ha kavod. Not David.
Kol ha David. Great, keep it up. Todah Rabah.
When do you use heh instead of hah?
when do you use metsuyenet and when nohederet. today
Hi Debbie Yelton,
Thanks for posting!
You are very welcome 😄 we are happy that you benefit from our lessons!
Please feel free to comment and ask us about anything that isn't clear at all times - we'll do our best to help 👍
Team HebrewPod101.com
I love these lessons. They make it so easy to learn new words and begin speaking them. Todah