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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Hebrew Season 1, Lesson 11 - How to talk about Prices. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about prices in Hebrew.
Eric: First, we’ll see how to say 'One Shekel.' in Hebrew.
Yaara: [Normal] שקל אחד.(shekel ekhad.)
Eric: First is the Israeli currency 'Shekel'
Yaara: [Normal] שקל [Slow] שקל (shekel)
Eric: Last is the number 'One'
Yaara: [Normal] אחד [Slow] אחד(ekhad)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'One Shekel.'
Yaara: [Slow] שקל אחד. [Normal] שקל אחד.
Eric: Ok, now let's take a look at how to say 'Ten Shekels.’
Yaara: [Normal] עשרה שקלים.(asara shkalim.)
Eric: First is the number 'Ten'
Yaara: [Normal] עשרה [Slow] עשרה (asara)
Eric: Last is the plural form of the Israeli currency - 'Shekels'
Yaara: [Normal] שקלים [Slow] שקלים(shkalim )
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Ten Shekels.’
Yaara: [Slow] עשרה שקלים. [Normal] עשרה שקלים.
Eric: Next, we’ll see how to say 'Fifty-five shekels and ten agorot.'
Yaara: [Normal] חמישים וחמישה שקלים ועשר אגורות.(khamishim vakhamisha shkalim ve'eser agorot.)
Eric: First is the number Fifty
Yaara: [Normal] חמישים [Slow] חמישים(khamishim)
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning 'And five'
Yaara: [Normal] וחמישה [Slow] וחמישה(vakhamisha)
Eric: Next is the Israeli currency 'Shekels'
Yaara: [Normal] שקלים [Slow] שקלים(shkalim )
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning 'And ten'
Yaara: [Normal] ועשר [Slow] ועשר(ve'eser)
Eric: Last is the plural form of the word 'Agora’, which is 1/100 of Israeli shekel.
Yaara: [Normal] אגורות [Slow] אגורות(agorot)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Fifty-five shekels and ten agorot'
Yaara: [Slow] חמישים וחמישה שקלים ועשר אגורות. [Normal] חמישים וחמישה שקלים ועשר אגורות.
Eric: Finally, we have the informal way to say 'Hundred and sixty Shekels.'
Yaara: [Normal] מאה שישים שקל.(me'a shishim shekel.)
Eric: First is a word meaning 'Hundred'
Yaara: [Normal] מאה [Slow] מאה(me'a)
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'Sixty'
Yaara: [Normal] שישים [Slow] שישים(shishim)
Eric: Last is the Israeli currency 'Shekel'
Yaara: [Normal] שקל [Slow] שקל(shekel)
Eric: Listen again to the informal phrase meaning 'Hundred and sixty Shekel.'
Yaara: [Slow] מאה שישים שקל. [Normal] מאה שישים שקל.
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Yaara: In some places in Israel, especially markets and taxis, it’s common to bargain on prices. It’s also a good way to practice counting shekels!
For example, if you’re buying two items, each for 30 shekels, you can bargain to get the price down to 50 shekels for both of them. Don’t hesitate to bargain! It shows you’re familiar with the local culture.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Yaara: להתראות

