
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Hebrew Season 1, Lesson 23 - Asking for the Bill. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask for the bill at a restaurant and check the change in Hebrew.
Eric: First, you'll learn how to say 'Can I get the bill, please?' in Hebrew.
Yaara: [Normal] אפשר לקבל חשבון, בבקשה?(efshar lekabel kheshbon, bevakasha?)
Eric: First is an adverb meaning 'Possible'
Yaara: [Normal] אפשר [Slow] אפשר (efshar)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to get'
Yaara: [Normal] לקבל [Slow] לקבל(lekabel)
Eric: Next is the noun meaning 'Bill'
Yaara: [Normal] חשבון [Slow] חשבון(kheshbon)
Eric: Last is the interjection meaning 'Please'
Yaara: [Normal] בבקשה [Slow] בבקשה(bevakasha)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Can I get the bill, please?'
Yaara: [Slow] אפשר לקבל חשבון, בבקשה? [Normal] אפשר לקבל חשבון, בבקשה?
Eric: Ok, now let's see how to say 'Where can I pay the bill?'
Yaara: [Normal] איפה אפשר לשלם את החשבון?(efo efshar leshalem et ha'kheshbon?)
Eric: First is an interrogative meaning 'Where'
Yaara: [Normal] איפה [Slow] איפה (efo)
Eric: Next is the adverb meaning 'Possible'
Yaara: [Normal] אפשר [Slow] אפשר(efshar)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to pay'
Yaara: [Normal] לשלם [Slow] לשלם(leshalem)
Eric: Next is the term used to indicate a direct object.
Yaara: [Normal] את [Slow] את(et)
Eric: Last is the noun meaning 'The bill'
Yaara: [Normal] החשבון [Slow] החשבון(ha'kheshbon)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Where can I pay the bill?'
Yaara: [Slow] איפה אפשר לשלם את החשבון? [Normal] איפה אפשר לשלם את החשבון?
Eric: Next, we’ll see how to say 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Yaara: [Normal] סליחה, העודף לא נכון.(slikha, ha'odef lo nakhon.)
Eric: First is an interjection meaning 'Excuse me’ or ‘sorry'
Yaara: [Normal] סליחה [Slow] סליחה(slikha)
Eric: Next is the noun meaning 'The change'
Yaara: [Normal] העודף [Slow] העודף(ha'odef)
Eric: Next is the adverb meaning 'No'
Yaara: [Normal] לא [Slow] לא(lo)
Eric: Last is the adjective meaning 'Correct'
Yaara: [Normal] נכון [Slow] נכון(nakhon)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Excuse me, the change is wrong.'
Yaara: [Slow] סליחה, העודף לא נכון. [Normal] סליחה, העודף לא נכון.
Eric: Finally, we’ll see how to say 'Keep the change.'
Yaara: [Normal] לא צריך להחזיר עודף.(lo tzarikh le'hakhzir odef.)
Eric: First is an adverb meaning 'no'
Yaara: [Normal] לא [Slow] לא(lo)
Eric: Next is the adjective meaning 'need'
Yaara: [Normal] צריך [Slow] צריך(tzarikh)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to return'
Yaara: [Normal] להחזיר [Slow] להחזיר(le'hakhzir)
Eric: Last is the noun meaning 'change'
Yaara: [Normal] עודף [Slow] עודף(odef)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Keep the change.'
Yaara: [Slow] לא צריך להחזיר עודף. [Normal] לא צריך להחזיר עודף.
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Yaara: Tipping is a common practice in Israel. In restaurants and cafes, the average tip is between 12 and 15%.
In most restaurants the staff prefers tips in cash, and some places don't even have the option to leave a tip by card—so remember to take some cash with you when you go to a restaurant or cafe, even if you plan on paying by card.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Yaara: להתראות

