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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to Hebrewpod101.com’s Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 19, Checking the Time in Hebrew. I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about time in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place at David and Sarah’s house.
Shira: It’s between David and Sarah.
Amir: And it’s informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Sarah: באיזה שעה בדיוק הפגישה עם פטר?
(Be-eizeh sha'ah be-diyuk ha-p'gishah im Peter?)
David: זה בעשר וחצי
(Zeh be-eser va-ħetzi)
Sarah: ומה השעה עכשיו?
(u-mah ha-sha'ah akh'shav?)
David: השעה תשע וחמש דקות. מהרי שלא נאחר.
(Ha-sha'ah tesha ve-ħamesh dakot. Mahari she-lo ne'aħer.)
Sarah: כן! רק עוד דקה אחת.
(Ken! Rak od dakah aħat.)
David: את תמיד אומרת את זה... ואז...
(At tamid omeret et zeh... ve-az...)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
Sarah: באיזה שעה בדיוק הפגישה עם פטר?
(Be-eizeh sha'ah be-diyuk ha-p'gishah im Peter?)
David: זה בעשר וחצי
(Zeh be-eser va-ħetzi)
Sarah: ומה השעה עכשיו?
(u-mah ha-sha'ah akh'shav?)
David: השעה תשע וחמש דקות. מהרי שלא נאחר.
(Ha-sha'ah tesha ve-ħamesh dakot. Mahari she-lo ne'aħer.)
Sarah: כן! רק עוד דקה אחת.
(Ken! Rak od dakah aħat.)
David: את תמיד אומרת את זה... ואז...
(At tamid omeret et zeh... ve-az...)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Sarah: באיזה שעה בדיוק הפגישה עם פטר?
(Be-eizeh sha'ah be-diyuk ha-p'gishah im Peter?)
Shira: At what time exactly is the meeting with Peter?
David: זה בעשר וחצי
(Zeh be-eser va-ħetzi)
Shira: At ten thirty.
Sarah: ומה השעה עכשיו?
(u-mah ha-sha'ah akh'shav?)
Shira: And what time is it now?
David: השעה תשע וחמש דקות. מהרי שלא נאחר.
(Ha-sha'ah tesha ve-ħamesh dakot. Mahari she-lo ne'aħer.)
Shira: The time is five minutes after nine. Hurry up so we won't be late.
Sarah: כן! רק עוד דקה אחת.
(Ken! Rak od dakah aħat.)
Shira: Yes! Just one more minute.
David: את תמיד אומרת את זה... ואז...
(At tamid omeret et zeh... ve-az...)
Shira: You always say that...and then...
Amir: So, what we talking about in this lesson? Being on time?
Shira: I don’t know, is there such a concept in Israel?
Amir: Well, kind of. We are really flexible about time though, so being on time is relative and varies from person to person.
Shira: You can say that again, Israelis are really relaxed about time.
Amir: Well, it’s important to come to work on time, but if you come a little late here and there, no one is really going to pay attention. It’s only really critical if you have a position where it’s important that you are there at a certain time every day.
Shira: There is a limit though, if you to come to work an hour or more late, even if your job is not time critical, you probably wouldn’t have a job for very long.
Amir: Right! Oh and another thing about work, when a meeting is called at work for a certain time, everyone knows that the meeting is probably not going to start at that time. It will probably start at least 10 minutes later than that and end later than it was supposed to as well.
Shira: Work is one thing, so what about home and social situations?
Amir: Time is even more flexible then. People are really relaxed about it. If you set a party for a certain time, people will come up to a half an hour later than that.
Shira: And if you are someone who is used to being on time for things, you will probably be the first one there other than the host.
Amir: Even at weddings, an event that you would think that people would want to be on time for, people show up in the middle of the ceremony. It’s normal for us.
Shira: Yes, people just don’t stress about being on time. Relationships are much more important to Israelis than running on a time schedule.
Amir: Right, it’s all about spending time together, who cares when you show up.
Shira: Well, for those of you grew up in places where time is important it is difficult to get used to. Now let’s go on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Amir: שעה (sha'ah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Hour.
Amir: שעה (sha'ah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: שעה (sha'ah) [natural native speed]
Amir: בדיוק (Be-diyuk) [natural native speed]
Shira: Exactly.
Amir: בדיוק (Be-diyuk) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: בדיוק (Be-diyuk) [natural native speed]
Amir: עם (im) [natural native speed]
Shira: With.
Amir: עם (im) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: עם (im) [natural native speed]
Amir: חצי (khetzi) [natural native speed]
Shira: Half.
Amir: חצי (khetzi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: חצי (khetzi) [natural native speed]
Amir: עכשיו (Akh’shav) [natural native speed]
Shira: Now.
Amir: עכשיו (Akh’shav) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: עכשיו (Akh’shav) [natural native speed]
Amir: דקה (Dakah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Minute.
Amir: דקה (Dakah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: דקה (Dakah) [natural native speed]
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [natural native speed]
Shira: After.
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [natural native speed]
Amir: למהר/מיהר (Le-maher/miher) [natural native speed]
Shira: To hurry.
Amir: למהר/מיהר (Le-maher/miher) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: למהר/מיהר (Le-maher/miher) [natural native speed]
Amir: רק (rak) [natural native speed]
Shira: Only.
Amir: רק (rak) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: רק (rak) [natural native speed]
Amir: עוד (Od) [natural native speed]
Shira: More.
Amir: עוד (Od) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: עוד (Od) [natural native speed]
Amir: תמיד (tamid) [natural native speed]
Shira: Always.
Amir: תמיד (tamid) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: תמיד (tamid) [natural native speed]
Amir: לאומר/אמר (lomar) [natural native speed]
Shira: To say.
Amir: לאומר/אמר (lomar) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: לאומר/אמר (lomar) [natural native speed]
Amir: את (et) [natural native speed]
Shira: (This word has no translation, but it signifies a direct object)
Amir: את (et) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: את (et) [natural native speed]
Shira: Let's take a closer look at the usage for some of the words in his lesson. The first word is בדיוק (Be-diyuk).
Amir: That means “exactly”.
Shira: It is made up of two words, ב- (be-) and דיוק (diyuk). Together they literally translate as “with exactness”.
Amir: We use this when we want to talk about how exact something is, but we also use it as an interjection, just like “exactly” in English.
Shira: בדיוק! (Be-diyuk!) It’s a way to let someone know how right they are about something, or how they understood exactly what you were trying to say.
Amir: The next word is פגישה (P'gishah).
Shira: That’s a difficult word for me to say because there is a sh’va vowel between the first and second letters. פגישה (P'gishah), it means “a meeting” and it can refer to a business meeting or a meeting with friends.
Amir: It can also be used when you have a chance encounter with someone.
Shira: Yes, it’s not limited to planned “meetings”.
Amir: The next word is אחרי (acharey), which means “after”.
Shira: This word is used in expressions of time as well as for the word “behind”.
Amir: We will hear it used in time expressions in the grammar section. An example of it as “behind” would be הוא עומד מאחרי שירה (hu omed meakhery Shira).
Shira: "He is standing behind Shira."
Amir: You can use it in the expression “behind your back,” היא מדברת עלי מאחרי הגב (hi medaberet alay meakhery ha-gav).
Shira: "She is talking about me behind my back" or behind the back, as we say in Hebrew.
Amir: The next word is the verb לומר (lomar) or “to say”.
Shira: This verb changes sounds a lot through the conjugations because the א' takes the vowel sounds of the verb pattern and doesn’t have its own sound.
Amir: Listen to the first sound, which is the א’, as it changes from past to present to future. אמר אומר יאמר
Shira: So, it is sometimes an “ah” sound and sometimes an “oh” sound.
Amir: Our last vocabulary word is an important one, but unfortunately it doesn’t have an English translation. This word is את (et).
Shira: Right, we don’t have anything like it in English. It indicates that the noun after it is a direct object of the verb.
Amir: You will hear it a lot in Hebrew.
Shira: If you have a verb and no other preposition before a noun with the word ה- (ha-) before it, you will need to add an את (et) there. Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson you will learn how to talk about time in Hebrew.
Amir: Oooo, time! That’s an important thing to know.
Shira: Ha, ha! Okay so, Israelis don’t adhere to strict schedules, but they do know how to tell time.
Amir: The first thing that you need to know is that time uses feminine numbers because all the increments of time are feminine words in Hebrew.
Shira: Like שנייה (shniya), or “second”, דקה (dakah), which is “minute,” and שעה (sha'ah) or “hour”
Amir: Going back to the dialogue, when Sarah asks David the time, he tells her, השעה תשע וחמש דקות (Ha-sha'ah teisha ve-ħamesh dakot).
Shira: “The hour is nine and five minutes” or “five after nine” as we would say in English.
Amir: First of all, we don’t say “the time is” but “the hour is” or השעה (Ha-sha'ah).
Shira: After השעה (Ha-sha'ah), you can say the time or you can follow with השעה היא (Ha-sha'ah hi), which is like saying “the hour is”.
Amir: Telling the actual time in Hebrew is very easy, you basically just say the hour and then the minutes.
Shira: The best way to learn how to say the time is to hear examples of different times and how we say them. Let’s start out with “five past two.”
Amir: השעה היא שתיים וחמש דקות. (Ha-sha'ah hi sh'tayim ve-cħamesh dakot.)
Shira: This is similar to what David said in the dialogue. Next is “quarter past three.”
Amir: השעה שלוש ורבע. (Ha-sha'ah shalosh va-reva.)
Shira: רבע (reva) means “quarter”. Notice that we are not saying the word “past”, we are just saying “three and a quarter”. Israelis wouldn’t use the word past or אחרי with רבע. Next is “twenty past four.”
Amir: השעה ארבע ועשרים דקות. (Ha-sha'ah ar'ba ve-es'rim dakot.)
Shira: This this one you could use the word “past” or אחרי (acharey).
Then it would be השעה עשרים דקות אחרי ארבע. (Ha-sha'ah es'rim dakot acharey arba.)
Amir: Next we have “half past five” which is השעה היא חמש וחצי. (Ha-sh'ah hi cħamesh va-cħetzi.)
Shira: Then when you have someone who is really specific in giving the time, you will have something like “six thirty seven”.
Amir: השעה היא שש ושלושים ושבע דקות. (Ha-sha'ah hi shesh ve-sh'loshim ve-sheva dakot.)
Shira: “Quarter to eight.“
Amir: השעה רבע לשמונה. (Ha-sha'ah reva li-sh'moneh.)
Shira: And the last one, “the time is exactly nine”.
Amir: השעה היא תשע בדיוק. (Ha-sha'ah hi teisha be-diyuk.)
Shira: So, that’s the basics about telling the time. The one thing that we didn’t cover is how to ask someone the time.
Amir: For that you would say, מה השעה? (Ma ha-sha'a?) or “what’s the hour?”


Shira: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: After listening to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and tell us what time it is in Hebrew. Listeners, do you know the powerful secret behind rapid progress?
Shira: Using the entire system.
Amir: Lesson notes are an important part of this system.
Shira: They included transcript and translation of the conversation.
Amir: Key lesson vocabulary.
Shira: And detailed grammar explanations.
Amir: Lesson notes accompany every video or audio lesson.
Shira: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Amir: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Shira: Go to HebrewPod101.com and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now. See you next time!
Amir: Le-hitra’ot!

