Lesson Transcript

Hello everybody, Idit here and welcome to Hebrew top words. Today’s top words are Top 5 Tongue Twisters in Hebrew. Let’s start.
שרה שרה שיר שמח.
(Sara shara shir sameach)
“Sarah sings a happy song.”
Actually, this is one of the most like basic tongue twisters in Hebrew and the full version is, I will say it fast. Sara shara shir sameach shir sameach shara sara which is just like saying the same thing twice but in reverse. Try to repeat after me and this time I will do it slowly. Sara shara shir sameach shir sameach shara sara.
גנן גידל דגן בגן.
(Ganan gidel dagan bagan)
“The gardener grew wheat in the garden.”
So, as you can tell, there are a lot of /g/ sound, G; and /d/ sound, D, in this sentence. This one was also a shortened version of the original. So I will say it one time fast and then slow so you could repeat after me.
גנן גידל דגן בגן.
(Ganan gidel dagan bagan)
גנן גידל דגן בגן.
(Ganan gidel dagan bagan)
הם ממהרים והן ממהרות.
(Hem mehamemaharim vehen mehamemaharot)
“They are in a hurry and they are in a hurry.”
I think this one is a little bit of an easier one. The meaning is, “they are in a hurry and they are in a hurry.” But of course, in Hebrew, we have female they and male they. So we are saying them, the boys are in hurry and them, the girls are in a hurry. Let’s say that again and please repeat after me.
הם ממהרים והן ממהרות.
(Hem mehamemaharim vehen mehamemaharot)
ברד ירד בדרום ספרד.
(Barad yarad bedrom sfarad)
“It hailed on the south of Spain.”
This sentence is actually quite famous because it’s a translation of the song from the movie “My Fair Lady” with Andrews Hepburn and what she says there is, “the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.” When it was translated to Hebrew, the whole play, they translate it to -
ברד ירד בדרום ספרד.
(Barad yarad bedrom sfarad)
Give it a try.
אם אין אני לי מי לי?
(Im ein ani li mi li?)
“If I'm not for myself, who will be?”
That means like you know that you have to be your own best friend because if you can’t support yourself, how in the hell you are going to love somebody else.
So let’s try and say that again. That’s actually kind of cute with all the E sound.
Im ein ani li mi li?
Okay everybody, that’s it. That was our five tongue twisters in Hebrew. Maybe you can try to come up with a tongue twister in Hebrew of your own. I’ll be happy to see it or if there are any famous ones in your language that you think I’d like. Please let me know and I will see you all next time. Bye!

