
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hi everyone, I’m Brandon.
Lenny: And I’m Lenny!
Brandon: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Hebrew Vocabulary, Lesson 5! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Food and Drink. These are five common Israeli Sweets and desserts. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at HebrewPod101.com
Brandon: Lenny, what’s our first word?
Lenny: חלבה
Brandon: halva, a dense, sweet confection often made from nut butters
Lenny: (slow) חלבה (regular) חלבה
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat:
Lenny: חלבה
[pause - 5 sec.]
Halva is sweet and usually made from sugar and sesame, but can also be made with nut butter or sunflower seeds . There are many kinds of halva.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Lenny: (normal) בקיץ מומלץ לשמור את החלבה במקרר.
Brandon: In summer it is recommended to keep the halva in the refrigerator.
Lenny: (slow) בקיץ מומלץ לשמור את החלבה במקרר.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Lenny: פירות יבשים
Brandon: Dried Fruit
Lenny: (slow) פירות יבשים (regular) פירות יבשים
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat:
Lenny: פירות יבשים
[pause - 5 sec.]
Fruits such as apples, cranberries, blueberries, or strawberries are either sun-dried or dried by using specialized fruit dryers. Israelis eat dried fruits throughout the year, and especially on the Jewish holiday tu bishvat.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Lenny: (normal) פירות יבשים מכילים הרבה מאוד קלוריות.
Brandon: Dried fruits contain a lot of calories.
Lenny: (slow) פירות יבשים מכילים הרבה מאוד קלוריות.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Lenny: רוגעלך
Brandon: Rugelach, yeast dough pastry filled with chocolate or cinnamon
Lenny: (slow) רוגעלך (regular) רוגעלך
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat:
Lenny: רוגעלך
[pause - 5 sec.]
The pastry originated in the Ashkenazi Jew’s kitchen, and is a popular pastry in Israel.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Lenny: (normal) רוגלעך פירושו "פיתולים קטנים" בשפת יידיש.
Brandon: Rugelach means "little twists" in the Yiddish language.
Lenny: (slow) רוגלעך פירושו "פיתולים קטנים" בשפת יידיש.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Lenny: קרמבו
Brandon: chocolate-coated marshmallow treat
Lenny: (slow) קרמבו (regular) קרמבו
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat:
Lenny: קרמבו
[pause - 5 sec.]
The name literally means "cream in it" in Hebrew. It is a round biscuit base topped with a fluffy marshmallow creme-like foam and coated in a thin layer of chocolate. It is wrapped in thin aluminum foil.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Lenny: (normal) קרמבו ניתן למצוא בישראל רק בחודשי החורף.
Brandon: Krembo can be found In Israel only during the winter season.
Lenny: (slow) קרמבו ניתן למצוא בישראל רק בחודשי החורף.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the last word?
Lenny: עוגת דבש
Brandon: Honey cake
Lenny: (slow) עוגת דבש (regular) עוגת דבש
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat:
Lenny: עוגת דבש
[pause - 5 sec.]
Honey cake is also known as "Lekach". Traditionally, people ate this cake on New Year's day.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Lenny: (normal) עוגת דבש מכילה לפעמים אגוזים, צימוקים ושקדים.
Brandon: Sometimes honey cake contains nuts, raisins and almonds.
Lenny: (slow) עוגת דבש מכילה לפעמים אגוזים, צימוקים ושקדים.
Brandon: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Lenny will give you the Hebrew – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Lenny: חלבה
[pause]Brandon: halva, a dense, sweet confection often made from nut butters
Lenny: פירות יבשים
[pause]Brandon: Dried Fruit
Lenny: רוגעלך
[pause]Brandon: yeast dough pastry filled with chocolate or cinnamon
Lenny: קרמבו
[pause]Brandon: chocolate-coated marshmallow treat
Lenny: עוגת דבש
[pause]Brandon: Honey Cake
Brandon: There you have it – five Sweets and desserts in Israel! We have more vocab lists available at HebrewPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Lenny: להתראות

