Shalom, ani Yana. Hi everybody! I’m Yana. |
Welcome to’s “Ivrit be-shalosh dakot”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hebrew. |
In the last lesson, we learned some words used when apologizing in Hebrew, including Sliha and Ani mitstaeret/mitstaer. In this lesson we are going to learn numbers in Hebrew. |
Yes, numbers! Misparim! From one to ten. And you are going to learn them in only three minutes, be-shalosh dakot! |
you already know the first number from last lesson and can make a full sentence!! |
Do you remember kafe ehad bevakasha?? |
Ready? Let’s start! |
Ehad |
[slowly] Ehad. |
Shtaim. |
[slowly] Shtaim. |
Shalosh. |
[slowly] Shalosh. |
Arba. |
[slowly] Arba. |
Hamesh. |
[slowly] Hamesh. |
Shesh. |
[slowly] Shesh. |
Sheva. |
[slowly] Sheva. |
Shmone. |
[slowly] Shmone. |
Tesha. |
[slowly] Tesha. |
Eser. |
[slowly] Eser. |
Okay, now repeat after me. I'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one. |
1. Ehad |
2. Shtaim |
3. Shalosh |
4. Arba |
5. Hamesh |
6. Shesh |
7. Sheva |
8. Shmone |
9. Tesha |
10. Eser |
Great job! |
What is before ehad? Do you know? |
It’s Efes. |
[slowly] Efes. |
You don’t have any more excuses! You can give your friends your cell phone number in Hebrew! |
Let’s try together. |
We’ll use the phrase Ha-mispar sheli hu;, which means “my number is:” |
[slowly] Ha-mispar sheli hu; |
Ha-mispar sheli hu; |
Shalosh, shalosh, sheva, ehad, shtaim, shtaim, arba, tesha, shesh, shmone. |
Can you read it by yourself? |
[short pause] 337 122 4968 |
Perfect! |
Now it’s time for Yana’s Insights. |
When you travel in Israel, its a good idea to start paying attention to the bus numbers, street numbers, dates, hours and the local money- the shekel. Its the best practice to remember! You can start now if you are at your home town to practice Hebrew numbers in your daily life! |
Do you know the Hebrew word for a hundred? In the next lesson we are going to learn the numbers from eleven to one hundred in Hebrew. Your task now is to practice the numbers we studied in this lesson, from ehad till eser!! |
Lehitraot ve-ad ha-paam ha-baa!! |
Bye!!! |
HideHi listeners! Let's practice numbers together!
Hi Amr,
Thank you for your comment!😄
It depends on the gender of thing, or noun that you are counting.
If you are counting a masculine noun that it would be in masculine form, if it would be a feminine noun then the number will be in feminine form.
Have a pleasant learning!
Hi, how do we know that the number is masculine and feminine in the sentence?
Hi Vicki,
Thank you for posting and sharing your questions ❤️️
As several series were written without Nikud, it seems that the Hebrew spelling is indeed missing from this lesson. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The ending 'esreh' is similar to '-teen' in "fourteen' - used for all numbers between 11 -19. Note that "asara" is the masculine form of the number 10.
We are be dealing with numbers and their different forms in several other lessons, I am sure it will be clearer once you continue your progress 😄
Please let us know, however, if you have any further questions - we're always happy to help 👍
what is esreh? as in akhat'esreh אחת-עשרה. is הרשע asara the same as esreh?
ight have been helpful to have the Hebrew spelling?
Hi Monica,
Thanks for posting this question!
In Hebrew, all nouns have a gender, which is either feminine or masculine, both in the singular and in the plural forms (4 combinations in total). This topic is discussed advanced lessons... if you want to find more information about this, you can search for the word "masculine" of "feminine" and "nouns" in the search box and browse through the results in the different lessons...
Hope that helps :)
I'm confused... How do you know when something is feminine vs masculine? Is there lesson on this?
Hi Maksim,
Thanks for posting!
You're correct, the number "one" is written here in the masculine form, but this is not a mistake, but rather a common way to count in Hebrew... While all the other numbers are counted in the feminine form (when not counting masculine objects specifically) the number 1 is often said in the singular as well...
That said - there's nothing wrong with counting 1 as "akhat" (אחת), of course.
There is mistake with number 1, you've use it in male form as all other in female! Wy?
Hi PedroO,
Thank you for posting.
Please also check out our Hebrew Dictionary, which also shows the word gender:
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us.
I thought the female one was axat. It seems to me all of these are feminine numbers.
Hi Alfred Crane,
Thanks for commenting!
This phrase means "and until next time" (written in Hebrew "ועד הפעם הבאה").
Happy to assist, enjoy learning Hebrew!
Hi, what does ve-ad ha-paam ha-baa mean in English?
Hi Lori and Stana,
Thanks for commenting!
Yes, when the Hebrew numbers are written as a digit rather than a word, are they written as normal English digits (1,2,100...)
In the past, in the Hebrew calendar, and in religious texts the system of Gematria was used to express numbers, using the Hebrew letters, but in modern Hebrew, it is not used very often.
Glad I could help 👍
אחד, שתיים, שלוש, ארבע, חמש, שש, שבע, שמונה, תשע, עשר.
When the Hebrew numbers are written as a digit rather than a word, are they written as English digits: 1,2,3, and so on, or are they written in a different single digit/letter form that we will learn later?
Thank you!
Hi Billy,
Thank you for posting.
Please, find a Numbers Vocabulary List here:
Let us know if you have questions.
I Need to be able to add those to my word bank.
Thanks for posting!
All Hebrew numbers have both a feminine and a masculine form. Here, only 1 is written in it's masculine (echad), while all the rest are written in the feminine form. It is common to count this way in Hebrew. 2 in masculine is "shnayim".
This topic will be further discussed in future lessons, I hope it'll be clear after it.
In this lesson the list of the numbers, one and two are masculine and other numbers are feminine? Is it wrong ou correct?
Please, help me.