
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome back to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 23 - Don’t Get Burned By the Israeli Sun! I’m your host, Sherah!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you will learn how to tell someone what to do in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the kibbutz in the morning.
Sherah: It’s between Anna and Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are friends so they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אנה: איך מזג האוויר יהיה היום?
Anna: Eikh mezeg ha-avir yi’hiyeh ha-yom?
אופיר: יהיה חם מאוד. הביאי איתך הרבה מים.
Ofir: Yi’heyeh ħam me’od. Ha-vi’i itakh har’beh mayim.
אנה: אני מביאה שני בקבוקי מים. להביא עוד משהו?
Anna: Ani mevi’ah sh’nei bak’buke’i mayim. Le-hav’i od mashehu?
אופיר: כן, הביאי גם כובע.
Ofir: Ken, havi’i gam kova.
אנה: יש בלגן בחדר שלי! אני לא יודעת איפה הכובע שלי.
Anna: Yesh balagan ba-ħeder sheli! Ani lo yoda’at eifo ha-kova sheli.
אופיר: את לא יודעת? הנה זה!
Ofir: At lo yoda’at? Hineh zeh.
אנה: איזה טפשית אני! תן לי אותו, בבקשה.
Anna: Eizeh tip’shit ani! Ten li oto, be-vakashah.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אנה: איך מזג האוויר יהיה היום?
Anna: Eikh mezeg ha-avir yi’hiyeh ha-yom?
אופיר: יהיה חם מאוד. הביאי איתך הרבה מים.
Ofir: Yi’heyeh ħam me’od. Ha-vi’i itakh har’beh mayim.
אנה: אני מביאה שני בקבוקי מים. להביא עוד משהו?
Anna: Ani mevi’ah sh’nei bak’buke’i mayim. Le-hav’i od mashehu?
אופיר: כן, הביאי גם כובע.
Ofir: Ken, havi’i gam kova.
אנה: יש בלגן בחדר שלי! אני לא יודעת איפה הכובע שלי.
Anna: Yesh balagan ba-ħeder sheli! Ani lo yoda’at eifo ha-kova sheli.
אופיר: את לא יודעת? הנה זה!
Ofir: At lo yoda’at? Hineh zeh.
אנה: איזה טפשית אני! תן לי אותו, בבקשה.
Anna: Eizeh tip’shit ani! Ten li oto, be-vakashah.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אנה: איך מזג האוויר יהיה היום?
Anna: Eikh mezeg ha-avir yi’hiyeh ha-yom?
Anna: How will the weather be today?
אופיר: יהיה חם מאוד. הביאי איתך הרבה מים.
Ofir: Yi’heyeh ħam me’od. Ha-vi’i itakh har’beh mayim.
Ofir: It'll be very hot. Bring lots of water with you.
אנה: אני מביאה שני בקבוקי מים. להביא עוד משהו?
Anna: Ani mevi’ah sh’nei bak’buke’i mayim. Le-hav’i od mashehu?
Anna: I'm bringing two bottles of water. Should I bring something else?
אופיר: כן, הביאי גם כובע.
Ofir: Ken, havi’i gam kova.
Ofir: Yes, bring a hat also.
אנה: יש בלגן בחדר שלי! אני לא יודעת איפה הכובע שלי.
Anna: Yesh balagan ba-ħeder sheli! Ani lo yoda’at eifo ha-kova sheli.
Anna: There is a mess in my room! I don't know where my hat is.
אופיר: את לא יודעת? הנה זה!
Ofir: At lo yoda’at? Hineh zeh.
Ofir: You don't know (where it is)? Here it is.
אנה: איזה טפשית אני! תן לי אותו, בבקשה.
Anna: Eizeh tip’shit ani! Ten li oto, be-vakashah.
Anna: How stupid I am. Give it to me, please.
Sherah: I see that Ofir was trying to protect Anna from getting into trouble with the hot Israeli weather.
Amir: Yes, it’s important to be safe in the heat in Israel.
Sherah: The weather in Israel tends to be on the hot side, but there are some things you can do to ensure that you don’t get yourself into trouble.
Amir: The most important thing is to remember to drink lots of water.
Sherah: We take water with us wherever we go in Israel to make sure we always have enough.
Amir: Secondly, wear light clothes. If you need warmer clothes, wear a light layer underneath so you don’t overheat.
Sherah: Right, you have to remember that not every place has air-conditioning in Israel, so you may not have the option to cool off if you need to.
Amir: The last things is to wear a hat and sunscreen.
Sherah: This is especially important if you are hiking or at the beach. The sun is very strong in Israel. Now let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: מים [natural native speed]
Sherah: water
Amir: מים [slowly - broken down by syllable] מים [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: חם [natural native speed]
Sherah: hot
Amir: חם [slowly - broken down by syllable] חם [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: עוד [natural native speed]
Sherah: more
Amir: עוד [slowly - broken down by syllable] עוד [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: מזג האוויר [natural native speed]
Sherah: weather
Amir: מזג האוויר [slowly - broken down by syllable] מזג האוויר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: איך [natural native speed]
Sherah: how
Amir: איך [slowly - broken down by syllable] איך [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: בקבוק [natural native speed]
Sherah: bottle
Amir: בקבוק [slowly - broken down by syllable] בקבוק [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: משהו [natural native speed]
Sherah: something
Amir: משהו [slowly - broken down by syllable] משהו [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: כובע [natural native speed]
Sherah: hat
Amir: כובע [slowly - broken down by syllable] כובע [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: טפשי [natural native speed]
Sherah: silly, stupid
Amir: טפשי [slowly - broken down by syllable] טפשי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase that we want to talk about is מזג האוויר.
Amir: מזג האוויר is “the weather”
Sherah: This phrase is made up of two words. The first is מזג and it means “nature” or “temper”.
Amir: The second one is אוויר and that’s “air” or “atmosphere”.
Sherah: So when you ask about the weather in Hebrew, you are asking about the “nature or temper of the air’.
Amir: The second word that we want to talk about is בקבוק or “bottle”.
Sherah: This is an interesting word, because it is an onomatopoeia. בקבוק sounds like the sound a bottle makes when you pour liquid from it.
Amir: The last word is כובע or “hat”.
Sherah: כובע has a special verb that it’s used with is, לחבוש.
Amir: לחבוש actually means “to bandage” something.
Sherah: So, this phase is לחבוש כובע
Amir: Some people will say לשים כובע but this isn’t right. לשים means “to put”.
Sherah: Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to tell someone what to do using the imperative voice.
Amir: Huh? English please!
Sherah: You will learn how to give commands in Hebrew.
Amir: Ah -ha! Okay, we can do that.
Sherah: There are only three forms of commands that people use in Hebrew - the feminine, the masculine and the plural.
Amir: The commands are close to the second person future conjugations, so many Israelis just use the future to give commands.
Sherah: That’s true, but there are some verbs that Israelis only use the commands for, so it’s good to learn both.
Amir: Right, our sample sentence from the dialogue is הביאי איתך הרבה מים.
Sherah: Ofir said to Anna - “Bring lots of water with you.”
Amir: The first word he uses there הביאי is a command “bring”.
Sherah: If you want to be polite, you can add בבקשה or “please” to the end.
Amir: Like if I wanted to ask you, Shira, to bring me that book I would say - הביאי לי את הספר הזה בבקשה.
Sherah: Let’s go over the three command forms for להביא “to bring”. First the masculine -
Amir: הבא
Sherah: now the feminine, the one Ofir used in the dialogue -
Amir: הביאי.
Sherah: And the plural -
Amir: הביאו
Sherah: Like we said earlier, Israelis will use the future instead of the imperative. Amir, show us what the sample sentence from the dialogue sounds like with the future.
Amir: Okay, Ofir would say תביאי איתך הרבה מים “You will bring lots of water with you.”
Sherah: These two are really close, the imperative הביאי and the future תביאי
Amir: Later in the dialogue, Anna uses a command. She says - תן לי אותו, בבקשה.
Sherah: Give it to me, please.
Amir: Now this is an example of a command that we never use the future for. תן is the command form and תתן is the future. We would always use תן.
Sherah: לתת means “to give” and it’s one of the more common commands. The masculine is תן. What’s the feminine, Amir?
Amir: תני.
Sherah: and the plural -
Amir: תנו..


Sherah: Okay. Well, that’s it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time.
Amir: Thanks everyone,
Sherah: Bye!

