
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome back to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 25 - Is This Goodbye in Israel? I’m your host, Sherah!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this final lesson of the series, you will learn the difference between “all” and “every” in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the kibbutz in the evening.
Sherah: It’s between Anna and Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are friends so they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אופיר: אני רוצה לבלות ככה כל יום.
Ofir: Ani rotzeh le-valot kakhah kol yom.
אנה: היה ממש כיף. תודה אופיר.
Anna: Hayah mamash keif. Todah Ofir.
אופיר: כיף להיות איתך כל היום.
Ofir: Keif lehiyot itakh kol ha-yom.
אנה: כן, אבל מחר אני עוזבת. אי אפשר להיות ביחד כל יום יותר..
Anna: Ken, aval maħar ani ozevet. I’ ef’shar lehiyot be-yaħad kol yom yoter.
אופיר: אני יודע. אבל נפגש כל שבוע, נכון.
Ofir: Ani yode’a, aval nipagesh kol shavu’a, nakhon?
אנה: אני לא יודעת. אני אהיה עסוקה כל השבוע.
Anna: Ani lo yoda’at. Ani e’hiyeh asukah kol ha-shavu’a.
אופיר: אנה, יש משהו שאני רוצה להגיד לך...
Ofir: Anna, yesh mashehu she-ani rotzeh le-hagid lakh…
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אופיר: אני רוצה לבלות ככה כל יום.
Ofir: Ani rotzeh le-valot kakhah kol yom.
אנה: היה ממש כיף. תודה אופיר.
Anna: Hayah mamash keif. Todah Ofir.
אופיר: כיף להיות איתך כל היום.
Ofir: Keif lehiyot itakh kol ha-yom.
אנה: כן, אבל מחר אני עוזבת. אי אפשר להיות ביחד כל יום יותר..
Anna: Ken, aval maħar ani ozevet. I’ ef’shar lehiyot be-yaħad kol yom yoter.
אופיר: אני יודע. אבל נפגש כל שבוע, נכון.
Ofir: Ani yode’a, aval nipagesh kol shavu’a, nakhon?
אנה: אני לא יודעת. אני אהיה עסוקה כל השבוע.
Anna: Ani lo yoda’at. Ani e’hiyeh asukah kol ha-shavu’a.
אופיר: אנה, יש משהו שאני רוצה להגיד לך...
Ofir: Anna, yesh mashehu she-ani rotzeh le-hagid lakh…
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אופיר: אני רוצה לבלות ככה כל יום.
Ofir: Ani rotzeh le-valot kakhah kol yom.
Ofir: I want to spend every day like this.
אנה: היה ממש כיף. תודה אופיר.
Anna: Hayah mamash keif. Todah Ofir.
Anna: It was very fun. Thanks, Ofir.
אופיר: כיף להיות איתך כל היום.
Ofir: Keif lehiyot itakh kol ha-yom.
Ofir: It's fun to be with you all day long.
אנה: כן, אבל מחר אני עוזבת. אי אפשר להיות ביחד כל יום יותר..
Anna: Ken, aval maħar ani ozevet. I’ ef’shar lehiyot be-yaħad kol yom yoter.
Anna: Yes, but tomorrow I'm leaving. It’s not possible to be together every day anymore.
אופיר: אני יודע. אבל נפגש כל שבוע, נכון.
Ofir: Ani yode’a, aval nipagesh kol shavu’a, nakhon?
Ofir: I know, but we will see each other every week, right?
אנה: אני לא יודעת. אני אהיה עסוקה כל השבוע.
Anna: Ani lo yoda’at. Ani e’hiyeh asukah kol ha-shavu’a.
Anna: I don't know. I will be busy all week long.
אופיר: אנה, יש משהו שאני רוצה להגיד לך...
Ofir: Anna, yesh mashehu she-ani rotzeh le-hagid lakh…
Ofir: Anna, there's something that I want to tell you...
Sherah: We can see that volunteering on a kibbutz is not all work.
Amir: Anna still gets to go out and see places, and even go to the beach.
Sherah: Right, every year around 1,200 people come to Israel as volunteers on the kibbutzim.
Amir: It’s a great way to come to Israel as a working tourist.
Sherah: Isn’t it? You get to work on a kibbutz, you get a small stipend and you are provided with food and a place to stay.
Amir: Yes and it gives you a way to experience Israel from the inside, not just as a tourist.
Sherah: Some kibbutzim will incorporate small outings for their volunteers.
Amir: And they may have lectures where you can learn about Israeli culture and history.
Sherah: There are some that also have Hebrew lessons in an Ulpan, like the one that Anna went to.
Amir: And the work can be interesting as well. Different kibbutzim have different focuses.
Sherah: Right, on some kibbutzim the work will be more agricultural, on others you may put some time in in a factory and then there are others that focus on tourism. Now let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: משהו [natural native speed]
Sherah: something
Amir: משהו [slowly - broken down by syllable] משהו [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: מחר [natural native speed]
Sherah: tomorrow
Amir: מחר [slowly - broken down by syllable] מחר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: שבוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: week
Amir: שבוע [slowly - broken down by syllable] שבוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לבלות [natural native speed]
Sherah: to spend time
Amir: לבלות [slowly - broken down by syllable] לבלות [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: ככה [natural native speed]
Sherah: this way
Amir: ככה [slowly - broken down by syllable] ככה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לעזוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: to leave
Amir: לעזוב [slowly - broken down by syllable] לעזוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: להיפגש [natural native speed]
Sherah: to meet
Amir: להיפגש [slowly - broken down by syllable] להיפגש [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: עסוק [natural native speed]
Sherah: busy
Amir: עסוק [slowly - broken down by syllable] עסוק [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word that we want to talk about is לבלות.
Amir: לבלות means “to spend time”.
Sherah: It also means “to have a good time”, it’s always associated with having fun, not just any activity.
Amir: It’s part of the פיעל verb group. One word that is derived from the verb is בילוי and this refers to a “recreation” or “pastime”.
Sherah: The second word that we want to discuss is להיפגש or “to meet”.
Amir: This verb sometimes confuses people, especially people who are just learning the language. It means “to meet” but is usually used for a planned meeting.
Sherah: Right, there are two verbs that mean “to meet” and they use the same root. The difference is the verb group that they are a part of.
Amir: That is what changes the meaning. להיפגש is part of the נפעל verb group. The other verb is part of the פעל verb group and that is לפגוש.
Sherah: לפגוש means “to meet” in the sense of a chance meeting, not planned.
Amir: The verb used in the dialogue was להיפגש because Ofir was referring to planned meetings.
Sherah: Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson you’ll learn the difference between “all” and “every” in Hebrew.
Amir: There are two sample sentences that we want to focus on in this lesson. The first is אני רוצה לבלות ככה כל יום
Sherah: Right, Ofir said - “I want to spend every day like this.” The key phrase that we want to talk about is כל יום meaning “every day”.
Amir: The second sentence is - כיף להיות איתך כל היום.
Sherah: Here Ofir says - “It's fun to be with you all day long.”
Amir: He’s kind of being sappy, isn’t he? So, the key phrase from this sentence is כל היום or “all day long”
Sherah: Technically, he says “all the day”, but it means “all day long”.
Amir: So this is the difference between “all day” and “every day” in Hebrew. Just one little definite article ‘Ha-’ makes the difference in meaning.
Sherah: In the dialogue, they also talk about “every week” and “all week long”.
Amir: Right, let’s hear those sentences, the first is - אני יודע. אבל נפגש כל שבוע, נכון? “I know, but we will see each other every week, right?”
Sherah: Here we have the phrase כל שבוע “every week”
Amir: The second sentence is - אני אהיה עסוקה כל השבוע “I will be busy all week long.”
Sherah: And here the phrase is כל השבוע or “all week long”. Let’s go over those four phrases again. Listeners, please repeat them after Amir and I.
Amir: The first is כל יום [pause] which means “every day”.
Sherah: Next is כל היום [pause] “all day” or “all day long”.
Amir: Now we have כל שבוע [pause] “every week”
Sherah: and last up is כל השבוע [pause] “all week” or “all week long”.
Amir: So, now that you have seen the differences between the two and you’ve seen that one little ‘ha-’ can change the entire meaning, we are going to share a few more sample sentences with you.
Sherah: Let’s start with - “He gets a paycheck every month.”
Amir: הוא מקבל משכורת כל חודש..
Sherah: כל חודש is the key phrase there and it means “every month”. Now let’s hear a sentence with “all month long” כל החודש
Amir: הוא עובד קשה כל החודש.
Sherah: He works hard all month long.
Amir: You can also use the same concept with the word for year שנה
Sherah: Right, “every year” is כל שנה
Amir: And “all year long” is כל השנה.
Sherah: So, that was our lesson on the power of one little definite article ‘heh’.


Sherah: Ok, that’s all for this lesson, and for this series. We hope you enjoyed it and found it useful, and we’ll see you in another series!
Amir: Thanks for being with us, everyone,
Sherah: Bye!

