
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 8 - What Can You Do in Hebrew? I’m your host, Sherah!
Amir: And I’m your host Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about what you can and cannot do.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the dining hall of the kibbutz
Sherah: It’s between Anna and her new friend Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are acquaintances, and they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר טוב מאוד בעברית.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber tov me'od be-ivrit.
אנה: אני מסוגלת, אבל עדיין קשה לי.
Anna: Ani mesugelet, aval ada'in kasheh li.
אופיר: לא נורא! זה יהיה קל יותר עם הזמן.
Ofir: Lo nora! Zeh yiheyeh kal yoter im ha-z'man.
אנה: מה אתה יכול לעשות? יש לך תחביבים?
Anna: Mah atah yakhol la'asot? Yesh lekha taħ'bivim?
אופיר: אני יכול לצלול.
Ofir: Ani yakhol litz'lol.
אנה: יפה! אני לא מסוגלת לצלול. אני בכלל לא יודעת לשחות.
Anna: Yafeh! Ani lo mesugelet litz'lol. Ani bikh'lal lo yoda'at lis'ħot.
אופיר: חבל, זה נורא כיף.
Ofir: ħaval, zeh nora ke'if.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר טוב מאוד בעברית.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber tov me'od be-ivrit.
אנה: אני מסוגלת, אבל עדיין קשה לי.
Anna: Ani mesugelet, aval ada'in kasheh li.
אופיר: לא נורא! זה יהיה קל יותר עם הזמן.
Ofir: Lo nora! Zeh yiheyeh kal yoter im ha-z'man.
אנה: מה אתה יכול לעשות? יש לך תחביבים?
Anna: Mah atah yakhol la'asot? Yesh lekha taħ'bivim?
אופיר: אני יכול לצלול.
Ofir: Ani yakhol litz'lol.
אנה: יפה! אני לא מסוגלת לצלול. אני בכלל לא יודעת לשחות.
Anna: Yafeh! Ani lo mesugelet litz'lol. Ani bikh'lal lo yoda'at lis'ħot.
אופיר: חבל, זה נורא כיף.
Ofir: ħaval, zeh nora ke'if.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר טוב מאוד בעברית.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber tov me'od be-ivrit.
Ofir: You can speak really well in Hebrew.
אנה: אני מסוגלת, אבל עדיין קשה לי.
Anna: Ani mesugelet, aval ada'in kasheh li.
Anna: I am able to, but it's still hard for me.
אופיר: לא נורא! זה יהיה קל יותר עם הזמן.
Ofir: Lo nora! Zeh yiheyeh kal yoter im ha-z'man.
Ofir: It doesn't matter! It will be easier with time.
אנה: מה אתה יכול לעשות? יש לך תחביבים?
Anna: Mah atah yakhol la'asot? Yesh lekha taħ'bivim?
Anna: What can you do? Do you have hobbies?
אופיר: אני יכול לצלול.
Ofir: Ani yakhol litz'lol.
Ofir: I can scuba dive.
אנה: יפה! אני לא מסוגלת לצלול. אני בכלל לא יודעת לשחות.
Anna: Yafeh! Ani lo mesugelet litz'lol. Ani bikh'lal lo yoda'at lis'ħot.
Anna: Nice! I'm not able to scuba dive. I don't know how to swim.
אופיר: חבל, זה נורא כיף.
Ofir: ħaval, zeh nora ke'if.
Ofir: Pity! It's really fun.
Sherah: I found that Israelis were really easy to talk to when I first started learning Hebrew.
Amir: You did?
Sherah: Yes, they were usually pretty understanding about the fact that I couldn’t speak perfectly. But I did find that there are two different kinds of Israelis.
Amir: Really? How’s that?
Sherah: Well, there are the Israelis who are really understanding, and then there are the those who think that it’s their opportunity to practice English.
Amir: Oh yes! I know those types. Once they find out that you speak English, there is no way to get them to speak Hebrew with you.
Sherah: Exactly! This was really frustrating at times because I really wanted to speak Hebrew with them, and they insisted on English.
Amir: So what do you do in those situations?
Sherah: Usually, I just keep speaking Hebrew. This probably annoys them too because I’m sure they want me to speak English just as much as I want to speak Hebrew.
Amir: Well, I think you can probably just ask them to speak Hebrew because you want to practice.
Sherah: You definitely can. They won’t be offended at all. That’s the thing about Israelis - when it comes down to it, they are really understanding.
Amir: I think we have a lot of patience for new Hebrew speakers too.
Sherah: You do. I rarely felt like someone was looking down on me for not speaking perfectly, and most of the time people were really patient as I was learning.
Amir: That’s funny because we’re not so patient in other areas of our lives. Take traffic for example.
Sherah: That’s for sure! Okay, now let’s move on to the vocabulary.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: יכול [natural native speed]
Sherah: can
Amir: יכול [slowly - broken down by syllable] יכול [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לשחות [natural native speed]
Sherah: to swim
Amir: לשחות [slowly - broken down by syllable] לשחות [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: מסוגל [natural native speed]
Sherah: to be able
Amir: מסוגל [slowly - broken down by syllable] מסוגל [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: עדיין [natural native speed]
Sherah: still
Amir: עדיין [slowly - broken down by syllable] עדיין [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: קשה [natural native speed]
Sherah: difficult
Amir: קשה [slowly - broken down by syllable] קשה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: קל [natural native speed]
Sherah: easy
Amir: קל [slowly - broken down by syllable] קל [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לצלול/צלל [natural native speed]
Sherah: to scuba dive
Amir: לצלול/צלל [slowly - broken down by syllable] לצלול/צלל [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: כיף [natural native speed]
Sherah: fun
Amir: כיף [slowly - broken down by syllable] כיף [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Amir: The first word is לצלול לצול is one of my favorite things to do and that is “to dive”.
Sherah: It also means “to sink”... do you like to do that too?
Amir: Actually yes. I like to sink down to the bottom of the swimming pool and just hang out there for a while.
Sherah: There is an expression attached to this very idea, לצלול כעופרת
Amir: Right, it means “to sink like lead”. Some words that are close to this verb are ,צולל which means “diver” and צוללת which means“submarine”.
Sherah: All things that dive. The next word that we want to cover is קשה.
Amir: קשה covers many different words from English.
Sherah: Oh wow! It really does. It means “difficult”, “heavy”, “stiff..”.
Amir: “solid”, “severe” and even “strict”.
Sherah: You really have to listen to the context to understand what the speaker means when they use it, because it has so many meanings.
Amir: For example, a couple of expressions that use קשה are קשה לכעוס.
Sherah: I’m guessing that means “difficult to anger”.
Amir: Right, “slow to anger.” The other one is קשה הבנה, and that means “dull-witted”.
Sherah: The next word is the exact opposite of קשה, it’s קל. It is the exact opposite in many of these same meanings too.
Amir: yes, קל means “light”, “simple”, “soft” and “easy-going”.
Sherah: Right, if someone has a flexible personality, you would call them ‘kal’.
Amir: And someone who is fickle, you can call קל דעת.
Sherah: There is one expression that I like with this word, and that is קלי קלות. It means “piece of cake”.
Amir: You like all the double word expressions like that!
Sherah: I do! Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the modal verbs יכול and מסוגל.
Amir: Just like the previous modal verbs, they appear in sentences in the form of the present participle and they are followed by the infinitive form of a verb.
Sherah: And they both also have four forms, just like the others we learned about.
Amir: In our first sample sentence, Ofir says את יכולה לדבר בעברית טוב מאוד.
Sherah: He uses the modal verb יכול which means “can”, “may, or “to be permitted”.
Amir: Here it means “can”, so Ofir says to Anna “you can speak Hebrew really well.
Sherah: If you notice in English, the second verb is also conjugated. Remember that this is not the way it is in Hebrew.
Amir: Right, in Hebrew the second verb is in the infinitive form יכול לדבר in this sentence.
Sherah: So what are all four forms of יכול?
Amir: Masculine singular is יכול, feminine singular is יכולה, masculine plural is יכולים and feminine plural is יכולות.
Sherah: There are two other sentences in the dialogue that use the verb יכול. Anna asks Ofir, “what can you do?” or מה אתה יכול לעשות?
Amir: And Ofir answers אני יכול לצלול.
Sherah: As you can see, all of these sentences use the same form. The modal verb agrees with the subject and the verb that follows is in the infinitive form.
Amir: All of these sentences cover the same thing - the concept of being able to do something. יכול has other meanings as well.
Sherah: Right, it can also show a possibility like אני יכולה לשיר ביום שני בטקס. “I can sing on Monday at the ceremony.”
Amir: ...or it can be used to request something - אני יכול לשיר משהו בשבילכם? “Can I sing something for you?”
Sherah: There is one more modal verb in the dialogue that we want to cover and that is מסוגל.
Amir: מסוגל only has one meaning and that is “to be able to do (something)”.
Sherah: The four forms are: מסוגל for masculine singular and מסוגלת for feminine singular.
Amir: מסוגלים for masculine plural and מסוגלות for feminine plural.
Sherah: It’s found in two places in the dialogue. First, Anna says אני מסוגלת אבל עדיין קשה לי. “I’m able, but it’s still hard for me.”
Amir: And then later she says, אני לא מסוגלת לצלול. “I’m not able to scuba dive.”
Sherah: These two verbs, yakhol and mesugal, are very close in meaning when talking about ability.
Amir: Most of the time they can be interchangeable.


Sherah: Well, that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and make sure to check the lesson notes.
Amir: And now that you’ve listened to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and tell us what you can do.
Sherah: Bye everyone!

